Books to Read Before Writing Your Novel

Before tackling that bestseller locked inside of you, read these books to set you up for success

Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers


A computer, pair of glasses, and open book lay in front of someone writing in a journal. Cover image for Books to Read Before Starting a Novel
Image by author

Everyone has a book inside of them. More so if you’re a reader. There’s something about the constant consumption of books and stories that infects the best of us with the story bug. Whether it’s because you read a terrible book or because you read an amazing book, the idea must have crossed your mind.

In the process of designing a personalized novel writing course for writers of all levels, I’ve come across the same questions. How do I write a book? What are the building blocks of story? How am I supposed to organize something as great as a book? These are all valid questions to ask as book lovers who want to pay homage to their first and always love. Books.

Personally, as a forever fan of books, I always think the first place to start with learning anything is with books themselves. So consider this your book list for writing that novel that’s been brewing inside you.

Read current books within your genre

If you have an idea for a book, you’ve probably read a lot into the genre you want to write in. But this type of reading is different than entertainment reading. When you’ve made the…



Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers

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