10 Famous Writers and Their Desk Setups

Are you optimizing your space for success?

Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers


Productive Desk Organization by Aigner Loren Wilson article cover. A tan background with the words James Clear’s Ultimate Desk Setup by Aigner Loren Wilson Plus, 10 Successful Writers’ Desks Setups. There is a picture of a desk with two monitors and a laptop next to a keyboard and phone. The desk is orderly with plants and a phone. How to organize your desk. Writers Desk. The best writer’s desk. How to set up a writer’s desk. Productive desk design.
Image by author

Desk for Success

When you sit down at your desk, does it make you happy? Productive? Calm? Or does it make you groan, feel disorderly, or out of synch with yourself and work? Your environment is important.

Even more so if you’re a creative.

Some writers have even been able to chart advances in their career or work to when they upgraded or transformed their desk setups. I’m one of them. I went from having no desk and writing in a no notebook whenever I felt like to having a full-fledged office with a pretty large desk and working as a full-time writer and editor.

James Clear stresses putting what is most important to you upfront on your desk. Want to write more? Keep your notebook open and your pen at the ready on your desk. Want to publish more? Have a list of the places you’re going to write for in a place where you’ll see it on your desk. Clear also advises resetting your setup after completing every task.

“Whenever you organize a space for its intended purpose, you are priming it to make the next action easy. This is one of the most practical and simple ways to improve…



Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers

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