Why Restaurants and Bars must have an Event Calendar

Sandeep Solanki
StarClinch NightLife
4 min readMay 30, 2018

So you spend few days on a brilliant restaurant idea and then you opened the restaurant, thinking it to be special. And it is, of course, after all, you spent days on the idea. The theme of the restaurant sounds really promising. The theme is very fresh and dreamy like Music or Bollywood or Bikers or Millennials or Sports or Beach or Medieval or Rajasthani or European or Persian or American. And it sounds unique and it will be the USP of your early advertisement.

It looks good enough for a start but only for a start.

People will find your setting and flooring intriguing and will come to enjoy the new environment you have put together. They will tell their friends about the big Sculpture you have put in the middle of the room. Your menu is wide and food is great too but then so is of the next restaurant but your theme and setting clearly stands out.

Few months went like this and every person who was intrigued by your theme has visited thrice and spent 1 hour in the not-so-new-now environment in each of his visit.

Restaurant at Saturation (theme and setting is so sexy, why is it empty?)

The sculpture seems very vague and weird to them now. The flooring is boring and the setting is upsetting now. The uniqueness is fading, the theme is getting blurred. The number of tables filled at a time and your revenue per table has come to a Saturation or Maturity. It’s the worst state for a restaurant to be at.

As you can clearly see in the Restaurant Life Cycle given by Boston Hospitality Review, the Saturation will decline slowly and slowly, it’s like Decay of your venue.

A Typical Restaurant Life Cycle.

It might never have a peak again unless you do something off-the-point for it. Now what can you possibly do to lift up the Zing in your venue. Change the setting? Renovate the flooring? Put a new sculpture? Change the name of the restaurant?

I know I might be pulling some nerves but you know more than I do that none of it will work. You will reach the Saturation again earlier than you will realize. And then the same old empty tables and shining layer of dust on them but no reason to clean them whatsoever.
As obvious it is from the title, the trick of course is frequently occurring Events of various kinds. The top restaurant of every town is at the top for a reason. It’s not the setting or flooring or theme, it’s the new ideas of events, trivia competitions, shows and performances they do.

A musical performance will work as a lubricant between the front and the back of the house.
A Karaoke Night will give your audience some memorable moments which they will want to relive.

A comedian’s content can be used to target a particular audience. You can advertise about a Doctor’s Dinner in the whole city and ask the comedian to make his content based on Doctor’s life.

A Trivia Game can be used to target a particular franchise following. And see how some people will stay excited for weeks for a dinner at your venue.

Our team of Analysts at StarClinch have many more and far more interesting ideas to put a peak at the end of your graph. Each idea will expand the horizon of your customer base and will have a direct effect on your revenue. But that is not where we want you to stop. Let us lead you one step further from a normal event-hosting restaurant.

Doesn’t it look better.

We will pick you from those boring meetings with artists and put you on your comfortable chair in front of your computer where you will tick artists you want from a vast catalog for a particular date and we will take it from there. You are the boss, man, there is no question there. So while keeping your budget in mind we will fill your Calendar with the wanted Artists and Bands. Your Monthly Calendar will look strong enough for you to bang the drum about it in front of the town.
Your part in it will be absolutely effortless so that you can concentrate on the food and menu, and do some hiring of cooks and waiters in advance cause you are going to need them soon.

