For the Freedom of Life! — Fantasy Short Story

Fiction Short Story for Stardust Destinies — Epic Fantasy

Binky Ink Writing
Stardust Destinies
Published in
10 min readOct 24, 2023


The fire and magic the lives within Bahvley Fairhaven — Image by GBTaylor on Pixabay.

This story takes place sometime following the events in the story The Team of Twelve.

The group sat around the campfire that lit the woods, though the stars shone brightly that night. Captain Ackerley was a little ways further, talking with some of the older knights — the seasoned fighters, as he called them.

The army that had accompanied them camped further along the trees. Tharguen observed that Elina sat near a large tree and looked as though she was talking to herself.

The ghost, Bob Tweedle, was an interesting fellow. He had shared a lot with them. Their mission was grave, and he had given them many warnings.

Bahvley stoked the fire while many of the others murmured amongst each other.

‘Bob Tweedle’s right,’ sighed Queevsil, ‘we’re going to our deaths.’

‘It’s a risk we all knew we’d be facing when we left,’ replied Liffwai, who sat directly across from him.

‘I don’t want to die.’

‘None of us do, Queevsil, but neither did anyone back home who gave their lives when the Morkans…

