Shining Stars and Cruel Curses

Sayings and Insults from Stardust Destinies Epic Fantasy Adventure with Romance stories

Binky Ink Writing
Stardust Destinies
Published in
4 min readNov 22, 2022


There are several sayings in the world of Stardust Destinies, some with sinister origins.

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“May the Stars Shine Upon You.”

This saying is a farewell wish. It means the speaker is wishing the other safe travels and to remain protected.

The stars are spirits of magical beings who passed on through stardust into a different realm beyond. They can come down and guide others. It is said they guide them to protect them or help them discover truths — without revealing what they know, however, for it is up to the living to discover these truths themselves.

However, there was a time, long before recorded history, when a powerful being had so much malice and power, his magic cast a veil upon the sky and the stars were shrouded, unable to help or guide, unable to be seen, and the threat of utter destruction of the lands loomed in the air. It is unknown what happened to this being or how this being was defeated, but since then, anyone who wishes another well and safety, wishes for the stars…

