19 things I’ve learned in 2019

Canaan Linder
Stardust Platform
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2019


I’ve learned a million things in this past year, here are my top 19 in no meaningful order.

Sometimes the smallest change can make the biggest difference. Find the best way to set yourself up for success. Reflecting on 2019 is a great way to start your 2020.

  1. Nothing sells itself, don’t delude yourself.
  2. Building a well-rounded product takes time — but don’t let that be an excuse to become complacent with what you have.
  3. Fundraising is 85% luck and 15% skill.
  4. A “no” can always turn into a future “yes”.
  5. Never let momentum go to waste. If you have traction with investors, customers, or your products, continue to do everything you can to keep it going.
  6. Words are cheap. Saying yes is easy. Just because someone says yes to something, you need to make sure they follow through or move on.
  7. Without 8+ hours of sleep you cannot achieve your full potential.
  8. Find people, mentors, or other companies who can help you in your mission.
  9. Everyone has made your mistakes before. You will rarely encounter anything completely new.
  10. Writing good emails is the key to success. Superhuman is amazing.
  11. It’s easy to get stuck inside all day. Attempt to get 60 minutes of fresh air and a workout in.
  12. Use an organizational tool, even if its redundant for now, it won’t be as you build & scale — a few of my favorites are TeuxDuex and Basecamp.
  13. Spend 15 minutes a day reading interesting news (no politics for me) online or in print. It provides your mind a needed rest from your startup.
  14. Achieving 100% efficiency is a fool’s errand. Try and hit 75%.
  15. Find something that helps you concentrate and “dial in” to your work. Trendy piano covers of popular songs works for me.
  16. Never say never. The way you talk and think shapes your outlook and possibilities.
  17. Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely existence. Hang with friends, join a community, go at the same time at the gym every day and make friends.
  18. Don’t work at home more than 2 days a week.
  19. You are your company.

Bonus: Put some floss in your bag. You never know when you’ll need it.

Thank you for reading my 19 things I’ve learned in 2019. More to come in 2020 along with exciting news about Stardust and our path to revenue!

Feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or if you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur yourself!

Email: clinder@stardust.cards



Canaan Linder
Stardust Platform

CEO of Stardust: A Blockchain SaaS enabling game publishers to easily create blockchain assets and implement them in to their games.