About Us

Stareable is the largest community of web series creators

Stareable Fest
1 min readFeb 23, 2018


Stareable is the largest community of web series creators, helping thousands of them engage, grow, and monetize their audiences through our online platform, Stareable.com. Over the past two years, we’ve created one of the top web series and indie TV festivals in the country, Stareable Fest, in New York City.

Stareable Fest is the new home of talent for web series and indie TV creators. We’ve connected our Official Selections to senior execs at:

  • HBO
  • Comedy Central
  • NBC Universal
  • Warner Bros
  • PBS
  • 96 Next
  • Magilla
  • Bustle
  • Cowboy Bear Ninja
  • NY Post

Stareable Fest 2020 will be October 16–18, 2020 at the Public Hotel in NYC. Our schedule will be announced in mid-2020 and will include creator networking events, screenings, workshops, panels, our industry marketplace, a live pitch competition, and our awards ceremony honoring the best in the business. Please stay tuned!

Questions? Comments? Reach out!



Stareable Fest

The largest community of web series creators and fans, building the future of television through collaboration and discovery. http://www.stareable.com