IAB Study: 26 Percent of U.S. Adults Now Watching Original Digital Video

Everyone and their grandma is watching TV on the web

Ajay Kishore
2 min readMay 13, 2016


Courtesy of Adweek:

A growing number of U.S. adults are shifting their viewing habits toward original digital video, according to a new study commissioned by the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

The audience of U.S. adults watching original video programs online at least once a month has grown to 63 million from 45 million in 2013 with users describing digital video as more “innovative,” “memorable” and “fun,” according to the study released today and conducted in partnership with Gfk.

a) Notably, these statistics don’t include videos that aren’t supported by ads (Netflix, Amazon).

b) Those are all great adjectives. Who wouldn’t want to be described with those adjectives?

c) The hard argument for Stareable is trying to convince people that there is interesting non-mainstream online video content out there. But once you have people accepting that premise, the proposition becomes much much easier. Now it’s just trying to convince them that you’re the right place to find that great content. The analogy I’d use is trying to convince someone to try a new cuisine. It’s hard to get them over the initial hump of being disinterested. But once they realize that they like the style of food, you just have to be a good version of that food. And they’re more likely to give you a try to see if they like you.

