Absurdist Seinfeld, Reimagined Horror Movies, and One Woman’s Quest For a Girlfriend in LA

The Weekly Binge: 3 Web Series To Watch This Week

Ajay Kishore
3 min readJun 22, 2016


photo: the last script on Flickr

The Weekly Binge is a handful of recommendations based on what the Stareable Team has been bingeing on this week. Click through to watch and let us know what you think by leaving your own reviews on the site!

Boxed In

Who knew lesbian dating was so hard? Well, probably a fair number of people. But for the casually obtuse, Boxed In is a real revelation. Amy Rubin York walks us through the daily dilemmas from her life in LA, from decoding what it means when someone is wearing a thumb ring or high-tops, to navigating the cliches at singles nights, to managing the emotional turmoil of friends who love to give mixed signals because they’re busy “exploring themselves.” Not to mention the personal hell of perfectly calibrating the right amount of femme for a women looking to snag herself a woman.

The Jerry Seinfeld Program

How do you describe a show called The Jerry Seinfeld Program that has two characters named George and Jerry in the exact same apartment and yet is so weirdly different from the original? The short episodes co-opt the laugh track, patented Seinfeld and Costanza voices and mannerisms and a belief in the power of conversations about nothing. But it cleverly turns them into an absurdist spoof by pairing those familiar touches with otherwise-nonsensical dialogue, veering from George swearing off beans to Jerry’s floor being covered in change, and in doing so caricatures our fondness and familiarity with the show.

Don't Do it

Don’t Do It is a series of short horror-inspired vignettes that deconstructs how to avoid the gruesome fates commonly found in scary movies. Turns out, it’s actually pretty straightforward to avoid being axe-murdered. But then those movies would be rather short. Each one takes on a different trope and they’re all charming tongue-in-cheek takes on the genre.

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