Lady Bros, Modern life, and Updated Costanza

The Weekly Binge: 3 Web Series To Watch This Week

3 min readSep 27, 2016


The Weekly Binge is a handful of recommendations based on what the Stareable Team has been bingeing on this week. Click through to watch and let us know what you think by leaving your own reviews on the site!


Society is waging a war on bros. Many of the physical hallmarks — lacrosse, boat shoes, popped collars, fedoras — seem to have fallen by the wayside. But that core misguided sense of masculinity remains and subverting it can be incredibly satisfying. For example, by turning the tables so it’s women talking about sex in a frank way, being boorish, and elevating their friends above all else. Here, two lesbian friends go through sexual awakenings, chat about conquests, get drunk in art shows, deal with dysfunctional body parts, and hilariously embrace their inner bro. Is this what Sheryl Sandberg means by leaning in? Probably not. But it’s still a step forward.


A series of vignettes about the nightmares of modern life. Yes, it’s impossible to identify Uber cars, but whose fault is that when we are relying on a car service driven by normal people in normal cars? Yes, we should go outside more but who has the time when there is so much television to watch? Yes, poly dating is weird and gross but is it really that surprising that we can’t pick a single romantic partner when we live in an era of attention deficits and mobile distractions? The episodes are littered with commentary masquerading as jokes — about drinking enough water, defining relationships, and novelty onesies (it says something that these days there are non-novelty onesies). It’s easy to picture this as a long-running series.

Yellow Brick Hell

Part of the Stareable team grew up on Seinfeld. We might even say the show was a formative experience for us. So when someone creates a shameless modernization of George Costanza (or Larry David, if you’re hip to the deeper cut) in attitude if not in name, it’s easy to see why we would love it. As an aside, did everyone see this spoof Seinfeld 9/11 script? It is long but incredibly worth it. Please go read it now. We’ll wait.

Right? It may speak volumes about us that Yellow Brick Hell, a chronicle of a cranky, neurotic man attempting to navigate social norms and daily life, feels like a warm blanket on a crisp day. But here we are.

We’re looking to do a fall webseries round-up for our blog. What are your favorite shows that capture the season? Email us suggestions!

On our blog this week: 6 Webseries To Watch If You Like High Maintenance

Snobby Robot wrote a great article about us.

Check out these winners from Webfest Berlin 2016.

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