They’re the ghosts of your parents, your siblings, and your friends

The Weekly Binge — Stareable’s recommendations for web series to watch this week

3 min readOct 24, 2017


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The Weeky Binge is our weekly round-up of great shows you should consider checking out:

The kale smoothy invasion

The North Pole — A comedy about 3 friends in North Oakland watching the neighborhood change around them

We all know this couple:

Doomed to You — An engagement party becomes the celebration when the worst couple in the world splits

They’re the ghosts of your parents, your siblings, and your friends:

Queer Ghost Hunters — Real friends from middle America are discovering queer ghosts with hilarious results

The show is good, the title makes us uncomfortable:

Awful Gays — A comedy that follows the lives of an awful gay couple in Dublin

Millennials will find a way to complain about everything:

Real Adult Feelings — After his mom passes away, Ethan inherits her deeply-indebted house and needs fast cash


Middlemarch — Plain, regular college students record their plain, ordinary lives and discover that people can be jerks, friends can be wonderful, and they’re way more insecure than they thought they were.

Sci-Fi / Fantasy

Here We Wait- Waitstaff in purgatory tries not to let the universe fall apart while also keeping their personal relationships intact.

The winner of this week’s weekend crowdfunding pitch competition is The Mother Lode, a comedy series about motherhood where a collision happens between Margaret’s own needs as an artist and her growing, independent toddler. Check out their crowdfunding campaign here.

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