Smol StarkNet Node

Starknet Edu
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2022


The StarkNet community has created many great resources for setting up and running a node on a Raspberry Pi. We will attempt to tread only new ground here.

The StarkNet EDU team has cross compiled pathfinder(v0.1.6) for aarch64(gist below) and packaged it together with the relevant python dependency definitions. If you’re hesitant to do heavy lifting like compilation on the RPi itself, or weary of containerization in the resource constrained environment, this native deployment may be a good option for you.

If you’re starting from scratch with your Raspberry Pi look into these setup tutorials:

Setting up your RPi

Alternative StarkNet Node Guides:

Install Pathpi

The following gist acts as documentation for pulling the pathpi tarball, setting up a systemd service and starting that service. It can also be executed directly as follows(you may be prompted for your root pwd):

