StarkEx V5.0 for Spot Trading is Here!

Supporting: Multi-asset Trading, and ERC-1155 and ERC-20 Token Minting

Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2023



  • StarkEx v5.0 for Spot Trading is here!
  • Multi-asset trading: execute all-or-nothing trading with multiple asset types and multiple parties
  • ERC-1155 and ERC-20 minting now supported

We are thrilled to share that StarkEx Version 5.0 is now live! Since its launch on Ethereum Mainnet in 2020, StarkEx has cemented its status as the ultimate layer 2 scalability engine, providing applications including Sorare, ImmutableX, dYdX, Apex, RhinoFi with high throughput, low gas fees, Ethereum-level security, and self custody.

To date, StarkEx has processed over $900 billion in cumulative trading volume across over 400 million transactions, with over 100 million NFTs minted. Over $560 million in value is locked across all StarkEx platforms, showcasing our users’ trust in Ethereum’s battle-tested security.

As StarkEx’s ecosystem of applications and use cases continues to grow, so does our commitment to innovation, providing apps with the features they need in order to provide their users with the best experience possible. StarkEx v5.0 builds off many of the exciting updates we introduced with StarkEx v4.5.

What’s New?

Multi-Asset Trading

StarkEx v5.0 introduces a new type of StarkEx Spot Trading transaction — multi-asset trading. Multi-asset trading lets traders conduct all-or-nothing trades among multiple parties using multiple asset types, and by doing so enables more complex trading combinations.

This unlocks a wide range of use cases, from trading a combination of different NFTs in a single transaction to atomically paying fees to multiple parties, and even including both these possibilities in one transaction.

Using multi-asset trading, numerous parties can participate in the same transaction. For example: Alice gives Bob 1 ETH, Bob gives Carol 1000 USDC, and Carol gives Alice 2 dragons and 1 castle NFTs. With StarkEx V5.0’s multi-asset trade, one trade contains multiple parties and token types. This structure can also be used to implement different fee payment schemes, such as splitting the fee between multiple recipients. This is shown in the example below, where Carol pays the fees to both the NFT creator and the marketplace as part of the multi-asset trade.

Multi-Asset Trade and Fee Payment

ERC-1155 and ERC-20 Token Minting

Building on the ERC-1155 L2 support introduced in version 4.5, users can now enjoy off-chain minting for both ERC-1155 and ERC-20 assets with StarkEx v5.0.

ERC-1155 combines properties from both ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens. You can generate multiple tokens of the same type (like ERC-20), and create numerous token types, as is the case with ERC-721.

The flow for minting ERC-1155 and ERC-20 tokens is similar to that of ERC-721 tokens, with a few key differences. While an ERC-721 token can be minted only once, multiple ERC-1155 and ERC-20 tokens can be minted repeatedly.

Some example use cases that are now unlocked:

  • Minting in-game currencies for a game that is powered by StarkEx, without needing to first do this on L1 and then deposit on L2.
  • Unlocking confidentiality from L1 when minting ERC-20s can be powerful for teams in the finance space who want to limit what L1 knows about their individual transactions.
  • Native ERC-1155 minting unlocks many use cases in the world of NFT collections (such as a set of unique items in a game — you can mint multiple copies and distribute to players.

We can’t wait to see how our partners incorporate ERC-1155 and ERC-20 minting into their applications.

See StarkEx v5.0 documentation and check out the StarkWare blog for more news, information, and updates.

