This is why JavaScript rules the world

StarLift Team
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2017

Sit down, kick off your shoes, and relax with some of the best talks on React, Elm, Angular, Reason, and other modern tech!

JavaScript has become the programming language of everything. Whether you’re into Ember, Node, Vue, or any other, JavaScript is the standard of the web. And as Eric Elliott wrote in one of his articles, “All software is becoming web software.

Knowledge of JavaScript is not an option today–it’s a must. That’s why we’re bringing you some of the best talks on JS and modern tech in general to help you navigate through the many functional languages

All the talks come from last year’s ReactiveConf, the biggest web and mobile development conference in Europe headlined by people such as Angular lead Igor Minar, the creator of Vue Evan You, or senior developer Tom Dale from LinkedIn.

It takes place annually in Bratislava, Slovakia, and you’d better check out their 2017 speaker list, which looks even better this year!

Igor Minar: “How the web ecosystem shaped Angular 2”

No open source software is developed in a vacuum these days. We are all part of a larger ecosystem where ideas and solutions to problems are shared, improved upon, and shared again. In this talk, we’ll look at what Angular learned from its past as well as other libraries and frameworks like React, Polymer, and Ember, and which ideas influenced the design of Angular 2.

Brian Mann: “Testing the way it should be”

Testing is the essential bedrock of software, and we can all agree it’s a must­have. There are many testing tools for the front end, but most (if not all) suffer from some crippling problems. We’ll explore these problems and the solutions offers to take the pain out of testing.

Sean Grove: “The age of Reason(ML)”

Reason is a new developer experience by Facebook built and championed by the same people behind React. Based on OCaml, it offers powerful type-checking, incredible tooling, fantastic performance, and truly unbelievable reach (as in you’ll be sceptical that it’s possibly true).

Leland Richardson: “How to use React Native in existing large native code bases”

React Native’s asynchronous model of bridging between UI code written in JS and the UI thread that runs most of the native code has many advantages to the app users. But in same cases it may become a developer’s nightmare to deal with, especially when it comes to complex touch interactions, animations or “that damned AsyncStorage”. In my talk I’ll be giving some tips on how to not get lost in the asynchronous world of React Native app development. We will discuss some common mistakes and important app and library design principles that are imposed by the asynchronous nature of the bridge.

Guillermo Rauch: “What’s next? Exploring the future of React”

This talk explores future directions for the creation of reactive applications.

Richard Feldman: “Elm and React in production”

At NoRedInk, we’ve been heavily using Elm and React side-by-side in production for over a year. After 35,000 lines of Elm code and about the same for React, we’ve learned a lot about how well these powerful technologies coexist in a code base that’s been battle-tested by students who have used it to answer over a billion questions. This talk will be a deep dive into Elm and React from a production perspective — what’s familiar, what’s different, and how they can work together. We’ll start with initial adoption, continue on to shipping new features, and progress all the way through maintenance and scaling. We’ll also look at the nontechnical impact of each: hiring, onboarding, and managing technical debt. Come see how two of the most revolutionary front-end technologies on the planet can work together!

Max Stoiber: “Styled-components and enforcing best practices”

Building user interfaces on the web is hard, because the web, and thus CSS, was inherently made for documents. Because UIs fundamentally are not documents, we’ve seen a mindset shift towards building them as component-based system — we are now in the component age. The rise of JavaScript frameworks like React, Ember and recently Angular 2, the effort of the W3C to standardize a web-native component system, pattern libraries and styleguides being considered ‘the right way to build web applications’ and many other things have illuminated this revolution. With that, and a few more things, in mind, Glen Maddern (CSS Modules creator) and I sat down and started thinking about styling in this new era. We took the best of CSS and the web to build a new way to style react applications.

Mark Dalgleish: “The Universality of static sites”

React played a pivotal role in the widespread emergence of universal/isomorphic apps, rendering on both the server and client. However, many applications continue to render purely on the client, and for a good reason — running a React server in production doesn’t come without significant challenges. Typically we find ourselves having to choose between these two competing approaches, but there’s a lesser-known third option: Using React to pre-render our sites at build time, whether partially or fully. In this talk, we’ll cover why you’d want to do this in the first place, and how modern tooling can help us achieve it.

André Staltz: “Visualizing the data flow with Cycle.js”

What if instead of building your own mental model of how data flows through your application, you could actually see the data flowing in real time? In this talk, we will explore functional and reactive streams as a building block in JavaScript applications with tools like RxJS, Cycle.js, or xstream which enable DevTools from the future.

You can watch more talks on ReactiveConf’s YouTube channel.

Are you a young developer from Czechia or Slovakia? Would you like to launch your career in a startup in the US or the EU? Contact us right now via our website, Facebook or Twitter!

