Gohar Abelian: Living Life To The Fullest

Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2021

Gohar Abelian was born and raised in California. Being a Los Angeles native to immigrant parents, she understands the challenges that vulnerable populations face within the legal system. She guides her clients through civil matters pertaining to businesses, contracts and personal injury. A strong advocate for human rights, she also handles criminal and constitutional matters as well. Growing up as a minority with limited resources and opportunities for growth made her attuned to the plight of others and gave her the resilience to fight for justice. She is eager to fight for those during their time of need.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

Thank you for asking, I’m honored to be here. I am a proud UCLA graduate that was born and raised in California. Being a Los Angeles native to immigrant (Armenian) parents has helped me understand the challenges that vulnerable populations face within the legal system. Which inspired me to become an attorney and guide my clients through civil matters pertaining to businesses, contracts and personal injury. I am proud and honored to be an advocate for human rights and the women empowerment community. Growing up as a minority with limited resources and opportunities for growth made me attuned to the plight of others and gave me the resilience to fight for justice. I am extremely eager to fight for those during their time of need.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started at your Company?

When I’m not in the courtroom or doing mommy duties, I dedicate time to volunteering and helping close the justice gap which is a lot bigger than we think.

I didn’t notice what being a minority meant so much growing up because my environment was diverse and happy. I’ve learned that being a minority and a woman in America sure isn’t the most ideal of circumstances, despite being a more “liberated” country. Even today — less affluent people, minorities and women are treated differently. I see it everyday and it has tremendous effects on the outcome of a case and people’s livelihood. It isn’t fair and it certainly isn’t right which is why I’ve chosen to represent the people.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

My firm is growing much faster than expected. My team at Abelian Law Firm is growing. Despite being so busy with the firm, I also put in overtime teaching tort law at a law school. This particular law school aims to promote public interest and produce social justice warriors which are the kind of attorneys we need more of!

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I post a lot of quotes and motivational content on Instagram as well which stems from my psychology background and from my own experiences/affirmations/journey thus far.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
The struggle is REAL.

I attended and graduated law school with two small children. I also did the two-year accelerated program at Southwestern Law School which is very intense! Basically, no breaks… literally hitting the ground running into law school literally finishing one quarter on a Friday — handing in the last final, and then beginning the new quarter the following Monday (pretty much non-stop work).

Besides that, a lot of unexpected personal issues arose along the way which made law school a lot more challenging; however, I took it one day at a time– keeping a strict daily to-do list and holding myself accountable everyday; little by little, day by day, it all worked out.

What do you want to be remembered for?
I am known for going over and above in providing honest and effective legal representation. One of my pet peeves is when people are taken advantage of, so I’ve made it my job to protect people from big corporations, scammers and all the other bullies. So yes, I am that overprotective person in the legal world. I get results. I’ve helped clients who were offered nothing attain maximized six-digit settlements for their injuries.

As a Contracts/trademark lawyer: I’ve helped dozens of businesses and influencers get the proper contracts and trademarks in place to avoid lawsuits which can likely run them out of business or unnecessary stress/ loss of money that they can avoid.

As Community lawyer: I am very involved in my community because public interest has always been a passion of mine. I make sure to dedicate time to use my legal knowledge and skills to pay it forward in my community. I volunteer at many events, speaking and moderating panels and I teach, from legal basics at the Los Angeles law library to tort law at a law school.

What brings you joy in life?
My kids are my everything and my greatest joy in life. I enjoy every single minute with them. They are my reason why I’m out here trying to be the best mom I can be, setting an example for my kids. Of course, winning cases and giving big checks to my clients feels amazing. I’m really grateful, happy and feel blessed when I’m able to maintain my healthy vegan living habits, doing Pilates and hanging out at the beach with family and friends. I love and appreciate the beautiful city we live in.

Contact Info:

Email: gohar@abelianlawfirm.com
Website: www.abelianlawfirm.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/goharabelian
Other: www.instagram.com/abelianlawfirm



Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes

Misty Schwartz is a public relations and marketing guru, she also enjoys doing charity events in her spare time. https://schwartzentertainmentmedia.com/