Q & A With Chris Dukes

Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2020

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

In high school, I answered an ad in the newspaper for talent. Even though I had no talent at the time, I was willing to take a chance! It turned out to be an agent searching for new faces. He signed me the next week and I booked my first print job the next month. From the start, I was hooked. I ended up majoring in theatre in college and moving to LA two months after graduation. I got my SAG card at the age of 22 and have been a member ever since!

What inspires you?

I love hearing stories about determination, hard work, and how it pays off over time. Being in my 40’s, I’m always inspired by actors who stuck with their career goals and aspirations and eventually “made it” well into their 40s and 50s.

What’s your most memorable experience?

There are many but I would say standing in for Patrick Swayze on several movies and watching him work was one of the most memorable. It was like taking an acting class every day being on set with him. He and his team were always gracious and kind to me. In a town where being nice to someone is sometimes found few and far in between, it was nice to be treated as one of the team!

Which social media channels work best for promoting your work? What exactly do you do on the social media channel that makes it work for you?

I have used Facebook for over 10 years and Instagram for nearly 3. I usually post snippets with links to IMDB or youtube. I get comments all the time that my videos were funny or entertaining. It lets me know how many people are actually clicking through.

What’s your greatest fear?

I always like to have a project in development or on the horizon. My biggest fear is not having a project in the works or something I’m up for.

Looking back, what’s one thing you wish you understood better before you ever got started?

Looking back, I wish I would have gotten a manager sooner. Having a manager in the last 5 years has helped me immensely in terms of guiding me to roles appropriate for my look and age group.

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

A few tried and true rules I have followed over the last twenty-five years. 1) Stick to your goals and write them down. Look at them every day. 2) Wake up each morning knowing that today could be the day you get the call you’ve been waiting for your whole career for. 3) Never give up your morals and values. At the end of the day, you need to be able to look in the mirror and be proud of the person you see.

What keeps you going when things get tough?

I have a support network of friends and family that get me through tough times. Some days you just feel lost and need a sense of direction. Calling or texting one of your mentors or close friends is always an amazing way to release stress and know that you are not alone.

Any message for our readers.

The more highways you create, the more destinations you may arrive at. I have lived by this motto for years. Have a varied skill set so that you can be marketable across many platforms!

Social Media: Facebook at ChristopherDukes or imdb.me/christophermdukes



Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes

Misty Schwartz is a public relations and marketing guru, she also enjoys doing charity events in her spare time. https://schwartzentertainmentmedia.com/