Q & A With Logan Coffey

Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes
Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2020

If I could share one thing with you about Mr. Logan Coffey, it would be that he is an extremely positive individual. In terms of his acting, he summed it up best when he told me he’s going to “Keep going until it happens for him.” Logan is from South Carolina, and after graduating from college, he literally jumped in his car and drove cross country to Los Angeles two days later. While in college he focused primarily in theatre but came here to focus on his career in television and film and to “get the ball rolling.” So far, the ball has been rolling in the right direction, and Logan has the credits to back it up, including a role in the Netflix project, “Hollywood,” by showrunner Ryan Murphy. He recognizes that having a role backed by Netflix is a great thing to add to his credits and can only open more doors for him, which is a huge bonus as he is in this (acting) for the long haul.

Logan has the viewpoint that acting is more of a marathon than a sprint, which is why he has made some very wise career moves, especially as it pertains to management and representation. While switching representation has open more doors for Logan, he understands that this is something he needs to be cautious about it. He compared it to a job resume, where it looks rather shady if you hop from one job to another frequently, so he is cognizant of this when switching representation. Logan has a couple of very interesting (and different) projects coming up, one of which is a Christmas movie called, “Middleton Christmas,” and a thriller called, “Gym Rat,” both of which are feature films. He’s hoping that both of these projects come out before the end of the year, but is aware that it’s difficult to tell anything, especially in the entertainment industry which has literally come to a virtual standstill, with the global pandemic going on. In fact, Logan told me that the new normal for auditions is a self-tape, which is exactly what it sounds like — sending in a video for your audition. But there has been some good that has come out of this halt in production, as it has allowed Logan to focus on learning and growing in other areas.

While Logan’s passion and dream is acting, he realizes that there are other things out there. But, as mentioned earlier, he’s all in. He also said that he’s really having fun with this career path, and realizes that he’s young yet has a lot of confidence that it’s definitely for him; that he’s going to keep chasing it until (if ever) it comes to a point where it’s not his dream anymore. Even with the rejections that come with acting, he’s still all in. And I’ve got a feeling that with all of other actors and actresses out there, Logan Coffey will indeed make it.

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

I’ve always enjoyed entertaining others for as long as I can remember, and in any capacity at that. When college rolled around, I knew I wanted to deep dive into acting as a career path, so I did. I studied at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) and then I packed my car up after graduation and drove to LA.

What inspires you?

Other artists inspire me — not just actors, but any artists. I mean, yes, Julianne Moore, Ryan Gosling, and Reese Witherspoon are all on the top of my list for inspiration, but as I get older, I find inspiration in simple things as well. A good song, a nature getaway and reset; inspiration is always around you if you’re open to it.

What’s your most memorable experience?

Wow. Instantly, I had a number of things jump into my brain! So many memorable experiences, good and bad. I’d have to say though the first time I visited Los Angeles. I was a junior in college, and I was excited to see if the city was for me. My friend and I tore up the town for two whole weeks. Best part of the trip? Getting on the game show Let’s Make a Deal, and winning almost $5,000 with Wayne Brady. Needless to say, I instantly fell in love with LA, and here I am! The money helped with the move.

Which social media channels work best for promoting your work? What exactly do you do on the social media channel that makes it work for you?

I’ve always enjoyed Instagram as one of my main social media channels. I find it easy to connect with many different people from all over the world. My website is also a great tool that I use to access and share my reel and photos with casting directors and producers. Finally, I have to admit that TikTok has been quite enjoyable the past few months!

What’s your greatest fear?

My fears have changed tremendously in 2020. I’m sure yours have evolved too. Trying to lean into my faith rather than any fear these days.

Looking back, what’s one thing you wish you understood better before you ever got started?

To not be so hard on myself to be the “perfect student”. Instead, I should have challenged myself to learn more things that made me uncomfortable instead of doing what always came so easy. You’re more likely to try something new when you’re younger.

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

Hard work is always my go to. I know my work ethic is something I can control, so I lean into that.

What keeps you going when things get tough?

Luckily, I have a great support system. My family has always supported my dream, plus I simply have the best friends in California and the best friends back home in South Carolina.

Any message for our readers.

Wear a mask and be kind to someone even though it is extremely difficult right now. We can get through this!!

How can people connect with you?

Reach out on instagram at @coffeyboyy or at www.logancoffey.com



Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes

Misty Schwartz is a public relations and marketing guru, she also enjoys doing charity events in her spare time. https://schwartzentertainmentmedia.com/