Q & A With Natalia Bilbao

Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes
Published in
5 min readJul 11, 2020

What led to the career you are in now? Please tell us more about your journey.

I got into acting when I stopped playing tennis on a semi-professional competitive level. I took my first acting class in London at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts when I was 18 after I graduated high school and knew I wanted to be a full-time actress. After going to Business College in my hometown (Bilbao, Spain) I moved to Madrid, the capital of Spain where I made my way into the acting industry. After performing in films, short movies, TV shows and theater plays, I decided to make the move to Los Angeles following the advice from people from the industry both in Spain and the USA. I’ve been in LA for almost two years and I’ve been fortunate to perform in films, TV pilots, theater plays and online shows as an actress and also work as a TV/online host in different shows.

It’s been an interesting journey. I always knew this is what I wanted to do, and I’m happy that in Los Angeles I can combine my artist and businesswoman skills for my acting career. I’m a hustler. I’m very disciplined and tennis taught me to be resilient and keep on improving and believing in myself. My family, my friend Juanjo Ortiz and the people I’ve worked with have helped me believe that I have to keep at it.

What inspires you?

People inspire me, stories inspire me, vulnerability, emotions, all the things that people are afraid to express but deep down crave to externalize, that’s why I’m so in love with acting and I can never get enough of it. The possibility to live all these different lives, to tell all these fascinating and moving stories, to impact, empower and inspire other people, that’s what truly inspires me to become a better actress. I also love that acting allows you to live all type of circumstances but without the consequences that you would have to deal with in real life, it’s like living intensely but without any actual risk or danger.

What’s your most memorable experience?

The first day on set of any acting job, the mix of adrenaline, fear, excitement and vulnerability. It’s like the first day at school. All my acting experiences have been memorable and it would be hard to pick one. I do remember when I was performing Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night in one of the theaters at the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, where Anthony Hopkins and Alan Rickman among many other notable alumni studied theater, and after our play, a woman came to us actors, in tears, thanking us for making her fall in love with theater and feel emotions so deeply. That feeling of deep impact is the best reward I could have.

Which social media channels work best for promoting your work? What exactly do you do on the social media channel that makes it work for you?

I use Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube. Instagram is my main channel, where I share what I do on a daily basis. I share what projects I’m working on, and footage from projects that have been released. I like to share motorcycle, action, sport and comedy videos on my social media channels. Linkedin is more focused on my TV/online hosting career. Youtube is where I have all my reels and videos.

What’s your greatest fear?

Mediocrity is my biggest fear. That’s why I constantly push myself to improve as an actress, to try new genres, new styles, new characters,… I fear things being predictable. I fear that I will not use my full potential, that I will hold back. I’m a bit of a perfectionist and I love to be seen as a reliable artist, so I fear not being able to fulfill a commitment and letting down a director/producer, someone who trusts me.

Looking back, what’s one thing you wish you understood better before you ever got started?

I realized it truly isn’t the best actor that gets the part, but the actor who is best for a role. That has made me feel more relaxed when I approach an audition because I just perform as truthfully and authentically as I can and let fate/the universe decide the rest. I’ve learned to let go of the things I can’t control and only focus and direct my energy towards what I have power over, which is my commitment to my craft and to those who trust me to do my job as authentically as possible.

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

All the things I’ve learned from my time as a semi pro tennis player, from business college and from my family and close friends. I see my career as a business plan mixed with a life plan. I work with goals, action plans and real action. I keep track of the goals I want to achieve and of the steps I’m taking to get closer to them. I balance my passion and business mindset. I work on myself as a human being so I can become a better actress. I’ve realised that the more evolved and authentic I am as a human being, the more interesting I become as an actress.

What keeps you going when things get tough?

Physical exercise is my therapy. I don’t drink alcohol, smoke or consume any kind of drug, so I channel my frustration through exercise and walks in the park. Having a wonderful and supportive family as well as friends who are always there for me no matter what is vital to me. I’m also very spiritual and religious, so meditating, praying and journaling is a great way for me to find my center and recharge my batteries.

Any message for our readers.

The older I get, the more I realise how important it is to really accept, love and respect yourself. Everyone has a gift for the world, and it tends to be what we’re most ashamed of or hide, so I really think we all need to take time to dive deep into ourselves and find what it is that ignites our fire, what it is in ourselves that keep people wanting to spend time with us, listen to us, see us, seek advice from us. Embracing everything that we have been through, that we feel, that we are, sets us free, and gives us that magic that makes us and the people around us happy and energized.

How can people connect with you?

I love connecting with people on Instagram, I’m very active there and respond pretty promptly. Whether you’re interested in my work as a fan or as someone who’d like to work with me, Instagram is a safe bet.




Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes

Misty Schwartz is a public relations and marketing guru, she also enjoys doing charity events in her spare time. https://schwartzentertainmentmedia.com/