Time Out With Tesa

Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2022

Certified Medium Tesa Harster, was born and raised in Alaska. Naturally gifted she’s been able to communicate with the other side from her earliest memories, where at age 11 she began giving spiritual readings to adults. In 2020 she passed a six-week quintuple blind screening administered by scientist becoming part of a small group of Certified Mediums. Tesa receives messages from loved ones who have crossed over, as well as Angels and Guides. Having read for several celebrities and public figures across the globe, her abilities are highly sought after.

Tesa has dedicated her life to helping others find answers by providing undeniable proof the bonds of love and life are unbreakable.

What’s the mediumship experience like? What do you see/feel when you’re channeling?

It’s interdimensional communication that’s rarely the same. It frequently changes. Sometimes I see mini videos in my mind, a souls memories of their lives here. Other times it’s just a sense I’m getting, an empathic imprint, I can literally feel in my own body- emotions, thoughts and even physical pain that the person felt. Sometimes I’ll see quick flashes of images, signs and symbols.

How did you know being a medium was the right work for you?

Although I was born with this gift, I struggled with accepting it in my college years.

I just wanted to be a normal girl, and having abilities was something I feared would make me seem weird. However, it was always in my thoughts. I got signs all around me, I could not turn it off. I had recurring dreams for years where these bright angelic beings told me this path was chosen for me to serve others, that essentially my soul had signed on to be one of their voices. I finally started setting aside time to do readings after my daughter was born in 2008. After seeing how being connected between the living world and the spirit world made people so happy, I had to ask myself? How could making people happy and helping them find balance, peace and hope NOT be the right work? All of it just happened organically from there, people started contacting me for readings daily, and I just knew my recurring dreams had finally been realized.

Is being a medium hard for you socially?

It’s not something I can really hide, no matter where I go, or who I’m with I’m always receiving symbols, phrases, energy and feeling impressions of what’s around me.

I have to ignore it and not act on it, because nobody wants to be working all the time! I would say it would only be hard socially if I hadn’t learned how to control it and just be fully present in my day to day life.

How can people best prepare for reading?

Prepare a list of questions if you have any. Be ready to take notes or record it so that you can refer to it later. Make sure you find someone who’s reputable. Every reader is different, be sure to find someone you vibe with and feel comfortable being vulnerable around. Get grounded and centered before your session, your vibration going into to reading can affect your energy and make it more difficult for the reader to connect with you. Be sure to be in calm, open and centered place energetically when preparing for a reading.

Tell us about the types of people you’ve worked with?

I’ve worked with people with varying positions in society, of all different backgrounds; Convicted criminals, orphans, High-profile politicians, single mothers, deacons of churches, pastors, musicians, addicts, super models, TV celebrities, athletes, all members of the blue-collar working class, you name it!

That’s my favorite of my job! It’s awesome getting to work with people of all walks of life. Being exposed to so many different histories and personal stories is very motivating for me.

Working with so people has taught me, we truly are all connected. We all have that natural desire to be loved, to be happy, to feel supported. Whether rich or poor, the majority of us want to know if life goes on after death, and if the loved ones we’ve lost are at peace. To which it is an honor and privilege to be a part of people’s incredible journey. I consider myself truly blessed to have been entrusted with this gift!

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Official website: http://www.theangelcampaign.com/



Misty Schwartz
Stars In Your Eyes

Misty Schwartz is a public relations and marketing guru, she also enjoys doing charity events in her spare time. https://schwartzentertainmentmedia.com/