My New Favorite Extensions for VSCode: CodeGPT and Github Actions

Anjan Banerjee
HCLTech-Starschema Blog
3 min readApr 3, 2023


I’m happy to report that my picks for the most underrated VSCode extensions still get regular use — if you haven’t checked them out yet, now’s a good time to put it on your to-do list. They’ll make you a happier and more productive data engineer. And if you‘re still looking for tools to help you make the most of your workday with less effort, here are two new VSCode extensions which have recently become the most-used in my arsenal. Let me show you why.

Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash

Code GPT

ChatGPT has become an invaluable resource for code generation, documentation assistance and error detection. It’s my new AIbuddy as a data engineering coder. This powerful tool not only streamlines the coding process by offering context-aware suggestions but also auto-completes code snippets.

Now, the Code GPT plugin lets you access ChatGPT (openai-gpt4) directly from VSCode so you won’t even have to leave the coding environment to fast-track your project.

Code GPT also includes Stackoverflow integration—a gift for developers — and my personal favorite part is that I can use it to ask ChatGPTt to explain old legacy codes, which is super useful for dealing with technical debts.

GitHub Actions

In late March, GitHub released their official integration with VSCode. This is a powerful and versatile automation platform integrated directly into GitHub, enabling developers to streamline and optimize their software development workflows. With GitHub Actions, you can automate tasks such as continuous integration, continuous deployment, testing and code review, all within a single ecosystem. My Starschema colleagues and I are huge fans of Infrastructure as Code, and this extension has helped us automate, schedule and make it event-driven.

Together with GitLens, Github Actions has greatly streamlined my work when working with any remote repository.

Have you tried either of these VSCode extensions? Have I missed one of your favorites in my posts? Do you need help with your data engineering operations in general? Drop me a line on LinkedIn — I’d love to hear from you.

About the Author

Anjan Banerjee is the Field CTO of Starschema. He has extensive experience in building data orchestration pipelines, designing multiple cloud-native solutions and solving business-critical problems for multinational companies. Anjan applies the concept of infrastructure as code as a means to increase the speed, consistency, and accuracy of cloud deployments.





Anjan Banerjee
HCLTech-Starschema Blog

Senior Solution Director @HCLTech || Former Field CTO @Starschema Ltd