If it doesn’t challenge you, it’s not going to change you

You need to feel the challenge to experience the change, both in life and in business.

Kelly Brammer
Start and Succeed


Throughout your life, you will have set some pretty amazing goals no doubt for yourself and for your business.

Maybe these goals are to bring in more income or additional revenue streams, to lose weight, or to manifest new and rewarding relationships. There are so many areas that you might have focused on or want to focus on, with a desire to see change in your life.

You may have also found though that sometimes actually making progress towards achieving these goals and maintaining consistency along the way is tough.

I get it, I’ve been there and it’s a hard slog. I can definitely assure you though right here, and right now that you’re not the only one to have felt this way. We all experience setbacks from time to time. We’re only human, right?!

Well, a great mantra to keep in mind when you’re feeling like things are tough and are starting to question why you are doing what you are doing, is…

‘if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you’.

Try and keep this in mind as it will help to guide you on the right path.



Kelly Brammer
Start and Succeed

Business and Leadership Consultant | Coach | Mentor | Find out more at www.startandsucceed.online