How to Compete as a New Business

Starting Strong: Secrets to Small Business Success

Daniel Francavilla
Start Now | Startup Success
2 min readDec 17, 2015


Through working with and researching hundreds of small businesses (startups and solo-entrepreneurs included), it became clear that the key to competing is to start off strong.

What does that mean? From my perspective, it means launching with a brand that’s identifiable and consistent (both visually and in messaging).

Although many business owners try to avoid committing to professional branding, or insist on launching without a website or other key marketing material to save money, chances are they may never make it to the next stage of growth, with their poor quality visuals and unclear messaging. (Worse, customers may not even be able to find them in the first place).

The simple “secret” to small business success has to do with how you launch — committing resources to what truly matters: Showing potential customers exactly why they should choose your business over any other, and, how you can be easily identified by name.

3 Ways to Start Strong

1. Look Legit

Take whatever limited resources you have and invest them in quality branding and marketing that communicates your brand. (No matter how inexperienced you are with the business itself, you have to appear prepared, or customers won’t approach you).

2. Quick Credibility

To enhance the first tip, do work for 3 key clients to get quality testimonials. This is absolutely crucial for getting new clients and can save you money spent on advertising (referrals). The decision is also much clearer when you’re being compared to competitors.

3. Differentiation Factor

Highlight what makes you different than anyone else offering the same thing. The fact is, there are very few new businesses that are completely innovative and unique — so they key is to highlight immediately what makes you different. You may have an amazing personality, skilled staff, one-of-a-kind location, a special tool or ingredient, but potential customers would never know that on the surface: Be clear on what will make you stand out when compared to dozens of similar competitors.

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Daniel Francavilla
Start Now | Startup Success

Brand Strategist, Marketing Advisor, Founder, Educator, Changemaker