19 Business People I Love Following on Snapchat (Are You Missing Out?)

Henry Johnson
Startup Vision
Published in
6 min readFeb 4, 2016

For years, Snapchat has been thought of as a place where teenagers send each other nudies (which is true), but I am making the bet that it is more than that.

Before DJ Khaled started blowing up on Snapchat, I rarely used the network other than when a friend sent me something to check out. After Khaled started blowing up, I found myself checking it out a lot more. I just wanted to see what the hype was about (FOMO is real).

Still I rarely posted on the platform. But recently Gary Vaynerchuck helped open my eyes. If you follow Gary, you have noticed in the past few weeks that he has been all about Snapchat. I believe in him; therefore, I have decided to follow his lead by actually posting on Snapchat (follow me here). In doing so, I have started a series on the platform called “#SalesSnaps,” where I make short videos giving sales advice. This has really helped me see the benefits of the platform. I found other people that follow Gary, other people interested in snapping about business, and people that needed help with sales. This made Snapchat awesome for me!

Soon I ran into Morgan Brown (morganb180 on Snapchat). His message was similar to mine, but his “26+ Growth and Startup Marketers You Can (and Should) Follow on Snapchat” really changed the game for me. Overnight I have gained over 50–100 followers on the platform. Now I am really seeing the power of the network. For that reason, I have decided to write an article of my own.

Below are some of my favorite business Snapchatters. I hope this helps you find more value on the platform.

Gary Vaynerchuck — @GaryVee: There is no way I can not start with this guy. He is the person that made me see the business application of Snapchat, and I am following his lead. His channel has the same message that he has been preaching for years. Entrepreneurship, intelligent marketing, and hustle! He has been preaching this for years, but his Snapchat really shows just how much he believes everything he says. I highly recommend following. If nothing else it will help get you off of your ass, if you really want to achieve something.

Morgan Brown — @Morganb180: Another person that had to make the list. I have known about Morgan since I started learning about growth marketing on Growthhackers.com, but through Snapchat we have became internet friends. After he wrote his post, “26+ Growth and Startup Marketers You Can (and Should) Follow on Snapchat,” I grew my followership by more than 50 people and knew I had to write a similar post myself. Morgan is a consummate marketer and drops marketing gems all day every day on his snap. One of the coolest things to me about his snaps is how much they relate to sales, as well as marketing. I bet if you asked him, he would agree with me that the two departments should be way more aligned than they seem to be in most organizations.

Justin Kan — @JustinKan: I have no clue how I found Justin, but I love his snaps. I honestly didn’t even know who he was when I followed, but to find out he is the founder of the legendary JustinTV was pretty cool to learn. His Snapchat is filled with all kinds of gems from him reviewing products to him building his own product (Jukebox). But all in all, its good fun, and you feel like you know him.

Kelsey Humphreys — @Kelseyhump: She doesn’t believe in the power of Snapchat, but she’s sure good at it. Everyday Kelsey drops a bit of entrepreneurship knowledge, ranging from advice about productivity to ideas about goal setting. The great part about her advice is that it’s fun and comes off very genuine. We all follow people that simply repost motivational quotes on the same pictures — Kelsey’s Snapchat is not that. She makes her advice very applicable and helps you rethink the way you approach your business.

Henry Johnson — @Talktohenryj: Ok #shamelessplug, this is me. Does it make it any better that I actually do watch my own story on occasion? Probably not :(. Either way, my Snapchat is riddled with gems as well. I do a daily advice session called #SalesSnaps, I talk to people on the side about how to grow their businesses and show my daily life. Come get to know me better :)

If you find this list helpful, please hit the recommend button to help more people find smart business folks on Snapchat.

Jay Acunzo — @Jayacunzo: My fellow Bostonian is killing it on le snap. I have been following Jay since he was at Hubspot and running BosCon, two awesome platforms that helped launch his career. Now Jay is up to something else (DJ Khaled voice), he is putting together a podcast called UnthinkableFM, and he is building it in public. This is great to watch. Anyone thinking about putting together a narrative podcast, I highly recommend watching Jay’s snap.

Everlane — @Everlane: I almost forgot to include Everlane, but how could I write a post about business people to follow and not include at least one actual brand. The easy answer is not too many brands are doing Snapchat well. But there is at least one, and its Everlane. If you’re not familiar with this company, number one, they’re awesome, and number two so is their product. I highly recommend you follow them on the Snap and go check out their clothing!

Everette — @Everettetaylor: I watch Everette’s snaps every day, just hoping his sound is working. You heard that right, his sound isn’t working, but still he is killing it on the snap. Every day Everette drops major marketing 🔑s via text and stories of his life. It’s great to learn from such a well-established growth marketer, but he also does a great job using Snapchat in the way it was designed to be used (even without sound).

@YesJulz — This one will surprise most people, because she doesn’t fit neatly into the “business” world that the other people mentioned here do. Julz is a party promoter, but that doesn’t make her any less a business person. In fact, in many ways, she’s even more of a hustler #NeverNotWorking. I highly recommend you check her out, especially if you are interested in music, what real hustle looks like (cc. Gary Vaynerchuck), pretty women and/or partying!

Matt Mazzeo — @MMazzeo: If you’re wondering who this is, I assume it’s because you’re not big into the venture capital world. But if you know who it is, I am sure following is a no brainer. Matt is half of the Lowercase Capital team that invested in unicorn companies like Uber, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Slack and many more. On his Snapchat, he drops gems on his story every once in a while, but his office hours are where the wisdom is really laid out (those go down in the DM).

Mike Vacanti — @Mikevacanti: I almost missed Mike on this list, but I have to say I love his Snaps. And he replies to all of his messages, so that adds to his greatness. Most of Mike’s snaps are about fitness, but as an online fitness coach it is great to see how he is building his business (blogs, Snapchat, etc.). But what may be even cooler is watching him help his friend, Chris, grow his following. This is great if you are working to build your own personal brand. It may be a different topic than you are building your brand under, but I bet you it’s a great use of your time.

Other people I thoroughly enjoy following:

Mark Suster — @Msuster


Chris Sacca — @Csacca

Jay Baer — @Jay.baer

Michael Stelzner — @Mikestelzner

Noah Kagan — @Noahkagan

David Rock @Drock

Marcsense Torschon — @wisemecca


I hope this list helps you further enjoy your time on Snapchat. I don’t know everyone there is to follow, so please let me know if I am missing anyone in the comments. I am always looking to learn more and continue to grow.

