Things I wish existed

A collection of random inventions

Cynthia Koo
Startup Vision


  1. A Gmail-native way to sign documents attached in emails
  2. “30 day” / “one month” curricula for everything I want to learn, including but not limited to: how to animate, how to do a headstand, how to design a logo, how to play the guitar…
  3. Pantone colored phone cases
  4. A carwash-like “toothbrush”
  5. Chrome plugin that allows you to hover over an address in-browser to see how long it takes to get there from your location
  6. Deck of cards with drawing prompts to use on the train
  7. A tool that visualizes the change history of any site in a timeline or as a .gif
  8. Conveyor belt dimsum
  9. Scrunchlets: Scrunchies that look like bracelets
  10. Print your own yoga mats
  11. Dimsum food trucks
  12. “Download other people’s travel itineraries”
  13. A restaurant that functions like Chopped (Everyday the chef gets a different basket of surprise ingredients and has to improvise dishes out of them)
  14. Stop motion video capture of a site as I’m coding it, to replay as a .gif
  15. Clothing that makes it feel like being in a personally air conditioned bubble in the hot summer months
  16. Clothing that makes it feel like being in a personally heated air bubble in the cold winter months
  17. iPhone stencil templates printed on post-it notes
  18. An app with which I can monitor all of my credit card / airline points
  19. An app that will make recommendations on how to maximize my credit card / airline points
  20. A way to overlay a Tinder-like interface on top of any discovery/search experience, e.g. for apartment hunting, font selection, browsing and pinning things on Pinterest
  21. A 3D printer for clothing
  22. A digital catalog of my closet
  23. Drawing coaches available via text
  24. A health insurance plan that is not ridiculously hard to understand
  25. A repository of design case studies, a la Behance or Dribbble, but with structured, narrative back stories
  26. A contact management app that reminds me when I should catch up with whom
  27. An easy DIY way to digitize or transcribe all of my written journals
  28. A tunnel that connects my front door to my office
  29. Shampoo that will curl my hair
  30. Cheap ink cartridges
  31. Headphones that look like macarons
  32. A camera that can capture smells

As a part of my endeavor to rediscover my love of writing, I’m writing one post every week for a year, about design, life, love, traveling. If you enjoyed this, click “Recommend” below, say hi on Twitter/Instagram, or see the rest of my writing here.

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Cynthia Koo
Startup Vision

Designer, entrepreneur, obsessive list maker. Chief Dimsum Eater at Wonton In A Million