What To Do When Others Slow You Down

Sand Farnia
Startup Vision


My next milestone in my business is to become operational, which translates to be able to accept money as a legal entity. I laid out all of the steps that I have to follow in a previous post. One of the key steps is to open a business checking account. This is where I am stuck.

I am stuck here because the lady who I am working with at the credit union is not super efficient. I took all the necessary paperwork up there Monday to open the account, and it looks like it is not going to happen until Thursday.

I have no control over the speed at which another person works. Sure I could complain and take my business elsewhere, but this is just one person. It could be just a rough week for her, or maybe she moves slow and makes less mistakes than others. It doesn’t matter why it is taking so long.

What matters is that I do not waste my time worrying about it. Instead, I spent my time checking off the other things on my to do list. Here’s what I’ve done since my last post —

  • Finished and audited the website including the FAQ. http://www.featherlaundry.com/
  • Created an admin email — hello@featherlaundry.com.
  • Created an Apple ID with that email and switched one of my iPhones. (This took a while but now they function as they should, one phone is for personal and one is for business)
  • Changed the Mailchimp admin email to match the new one.
  • Created a Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/featherpremium/
  • Created a budget spreadsheet and updated all of my expenses so far. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C3mIywC5aD5AejlYvzIBPPAywlALS-f4aclWEu5fDCs/edit?usp=sharing Yes, I’m keeping my budget public for now.
  • Created a Square account and completed all the steps up to the point of linking the bank account.
  • Talked to a screen printing company about printing on nylon laundry bags. Decided on a test run and ordered the test bags.
  • Created an Instagram account. https://www.instagram.com/featherlaundry/
  • Created the first piece of promotional media using Canva. (The title image for this blog post, also going to be put on Instagram and Facebook).
  • Wrote this blog post!

Basically my point is that I didn’t let the slowness of another person hold me back from doing things that need to be done anyway. The old me would have been frustrated. Of course other things are pushed back but I’m satisfied with the amount of work I’m churning out.

My next update will be Sunday and hopefully I will have accomplished some of these goals:

  1. Create a Google Drive account and folder for the business, move all current business documents and files to this folder and organize them.
  2. Create a Twitter account.
  3. Create a Mailchimp landing page.
  4. Create a Xero account for bookkeeping.
  5. Create a Table of Contents for this series.
  6. Create a summary blog post for January.
  7. Open a Business Checking Account.
  8. Update budget to match the checking account.
  9. Test the square reader, link square to checking account.
  10. Order checks.
  11. Order stickers with the logo.
  12. Take test bags to the screen printing company and test screen printing on nylon bags.
  13. Audit the customer experience by conducting dry runs with friends as customers.

Also, I want to begin keeping track of blog post ideas here.

  • Auditing the customer experience.
  • Creating the customer acquisition funnel.
  • Social media marketing strategy.
  • Measuring fundamentals daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
  • Capturing leads before launch.

In the meantime, I’m going to get back to work. Have a great rest of the week! As always, get more of the story on Snapchat.

Previous Story: Oops. Had to Change the Company Name

Next Story: Auditing the Customer Experience



Sand Farnia
Startup Vision

I walk through mind fields. Cat lover. Writer. Entrepreneur. Cofounder of The Writing Cooperative.