Starta Ventures Awarded Early Stage Fund Of The Year At Volga Angels Summit

Starta VC
Starta Ventures Blog


Alexey Girin, partner at Starta Ventures, presented at one of the largest annual conferences of early stage equity and investment markets, Volga Angels, last week. The event lasted for three days and had over 50 investor groups and venture funds from all over the world attend the event.

The International Early Stage Investors Summit, Volga Angels, is one of the largest events in Eastern Europe where business angels, seed funds, accelerators, and various other participants of early-stage markets meet and discuss venture capital trends, all while making deals to co-invest in startups.

For the event, Volga Angels invited various representatives of the European angel investors associations to the Summit. These included EBAN (European Business Angels Network), FiBAN (Finnish Business Angels Network), Sophia Business Angels (France) and others, as well.

  • Kaushal Chokshi, Cross Border Angels & Investors (USA, Canada)
  • Riku Asikainen, Finnish Business Angels Network, founder at SLUSH and Startup Sauna (Finland)
  • Candace Johnson, European Business Angels Network (France)
  • Marcus Dantus, Startup Mexico (Mexico)
  • Alexey Girin, Starta Ventures, New York (USA)

Volga Angels also hosts the Business Angels Investments Awards. This year, Starta Ventures was the proud recipient of the Early Stage Fund of the Year award, 2018. A big “congratulations” goes out to the entire global team at Starta Ventures!



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