We don’t like success stories

Because, to be honest, no one gives a damn about them

Vera Vashkovska
Started Up
2 min readAug 5, 2018


A few months ago we, as any wannabe entrepreneurs, encountered a want to start a startup. Learn on other people’s mistakes, they say. Maybe, this worked before, when startup blogs did not grow as weed left and right.

Now, though, whenever we’d open a startup blog, there would be dozens of tips from people whom we never knew.

They are supposed to be cool though, right? Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been featured, right?

Reading success (or failure, doesn’t matter really) stories of people you don’t care about gets extremely uncomfortable. When a person writes about a startup, I honestly even doubt that he or she has one.

We are sure you’ve been there, too. We are sure you didn’t like it either.

That’s why we thought to do our own thing. We found inspiring people (some of them are already successful entrepreneurs, some are just starting out) and asked them to regularly share their journey. This way, you’ll see insights on successes and failures before they happen, not after.

Here, you’ll read stories you care about. You’ll follow people you relate to. You’ll see them fail and succeed.

You can call it a reality show. But really, this blog is a sincere diary where startupers discuss their routine as they go. If they are going to success, we’ll see it real time. If fail, well, so be it. We will continue learning.

Buckle up. It’s going to be honest.

P.S. Maybe you have a startup of your own, a few hours per day, and solid commitment level to share everything you are going through? Leave a private note to the article to become a writer.

