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What They Can Tell You About Business

Jaime Jay
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2018


Stop riding the pine and get in the game

If you are to start your own business all over again, what are the things that you wish you had known already from the start? Will you be willing to go through the same risks and mistakes and to invest as much time and resources? And if you are to learn from the experiences of other entrepreneurs and industry leaders, what do they suggest?

In our Stop Riding the Pine podcast, we have had the privilege of interviewing such notable guests. They have taken what they have — including their past, their struggles, their failures — and transformed it to something even more valuable. Here we present 17 of them and what they can tell you about business.

#BeClear with Your Goals

“Fear is undiscriminating,” as someone said. It escapes none. Not even the person who holds the highest position in office. But how you deal with it can bring you rewards that you can enjoy in the long run. To some, it starts with clarity of purpose and an intent to defeat fear every time — or to use it to your advantage.

  1. “The act of getting clear of what I want first has enabled me to be so much of service to others because I am living in a way where I am supporting [myself]. It makes me a better person for everybody else because I’m happier and more fulfilled.” — Russ Perry, Design Pickle
  2. “Fear could either cripple you or it could strengthen you.” — Nick Kullin, Second Flight Consultancy
  3. “Our own fears can get in the way of the choices that we make. Whatever is holding you back, get past that because it’s worth it.” — Ron Carucci, Navalent
  4. “Spend more time on the 20 percent of things that are actually going to bring in all the revenue, so that you have more tools and resources to do more and make more.” — Dana Malstaff, Boss Mom

#TakeHold of the Future

Nobody knows exactly what will take place tomorrow, next week, or in the years to come. But you can leverage what you have right now — the things that you love, the things that you are good at, and your resources. The future is yours for the taking!

  1. “When you have something that is in your heart, you really want to take advantage of that because you don’t know what doors it’s going to open.” — Christie Lindor, The MECE Muse
  2. “Running a million-dollar, one-person business is not a religion; it’s a situation that you’re in.” — Elaine Pofeldt, Fortune Small Business magazine
  3. “In order to do great work, you really need to love it. Follow work that you’re willing to invest your time and effort.” — Jaret Grossman, Muscle Prodigy
  4. “If you think about that — start a business, add value to it, and sell it to somebody else in the future — from Day 1, you will do things differently in the business.” — Murray Priestly, The $1M Pay Day

#ReachOut and Make a Difference

Every day, you are surrounded with opportunities to make a difference. Through your life, the moments that you share with your colleagues or team, and the relationships you create, you gear yourself to unlocking the potential that lies within them and in your collective efforts.

In the end, it isn’t the system or the processes you implement that matter — it’s the quality of relationship that you build with them. And that is the brand that they can carry with them and share with others for a lifetime.

  1. “Building a relationship with someone you have never met is not easy … Video is a powerful tool for anybody who is creating something.” — Brendan McClenahan, Cupla Media
  2. “We all have powerful stories and experiences to share that will make a difference in other people’s lives.” — Julie Broad, Book Launchers
  3. “Automate processes and not relationships.” — Amaan Nathoo, Bonjoro
  4. “The team really inspires me. They showed me that the next level … is really not reliant on you; it’s something bigger that you built together with other people.” — Laura Roeder, Meet Edgar
  5. “The CIA of influence is what gives people the ability to take a message and create action. Have the conviction, be irresistible, and be accountable.” — Jake Carlson, Modern Leadership
  6. “[People] need to see us before we see them, they need to hear us before we hear them, and they need to know us before we know them.” — George B. Thomas on why videos are magical, The Sales Lion

#StayTrue to Your Passion

Running a business is not a joke. You can give it all you got — give it all your time and attention. But doing so does not necessarily lead you to success.

  1. “Start to question what your true passions are and that’s where you’ll find true happiness. Just continue to find what really makes you tick and all the rest will fall in line naturally.” — Bryan Weinert, Incipient Corporation
  2. “When you’re an entrepreneur and you’re starting a company, stuff is hitting you on the face all day long. And if you let yourself get overwhelmed by it, you’ll be constantly overwhelmed by it and you won’t get any progress — which is the most frustrating thing in the world.” — Josh Haynam, Interact Quiz Builder
  3. “There are days when it’s tough but just keep the hustle.” — Patrick Briggs,

There can be tough times and rough roads in the journey. And when you find yourself seemingly lost, you can look inside of you and remember your “why”.

What made you decide to start a business? What led you to the path that you are on? When all things seem impossible, have the hope and courage to move on. Move forward and claim the success that’s just waiting for you at the end of the line.

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Jaime Jay

Jaime Jay proudly subscribes to the Ripple Effect of entrepreneurship. His goal is to help fellow business leaders discover their why through education.