Finding the Right Angel Investor for Your Startup

Insights from David S. Rose, Founder & Executive Chairman of Gust, at SXSW 2024

StartingUpGood Magazine
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Navigating the world of startup investment can be daunting. At this year’s SXSW, David S. Rose, a seasoned entrepreneur and investor, distilled his experience into actionable advice for startup leaders. Rose has founded or funded over 100 pioneering companies including Gust, a global platform connecting startups and investors.

Photo by Roan Lavery on Unsplash

Understanding Startup Types

Before diving into the funding journey, it’s essential to understand the difference between high-growth startups and small independent businesses. High-growth startups require significant capital, have a longer path to profitability, and aim for scalability. In contrast, small independent businesses generate revenue quickly and have limited scalability. Knowing which category your startup falls into will guide your funding strategy.

The Funding Journey

For high-growth startups, the typical funding sequence begins with the founder’s own investment. This demonstrates your commitment to your vision. Next comes the “Friends and Family” or “Hustle” round, where you tap into your personal networks for support. Angel investors enter the picture next, typically investing $25,000 to $100,000 per startup. As you scale, venture capitalists (VCs) come into play, deploying larger sums to fuel growth.

Attracting Angel Investors

So, what do angel investors look for? Rose highlighted three key attributes:

  1. A Great Team: Angels bet on people, especially the lead entrepreneur who will drive the company’s success. Showcase your team’s skills, experience, and passion.
  2. Scalability: Your business model must demonstrate potential for significant growth with additional funding. Illustrate how your startup can scale efficiently.
  3. Traction: Traction is evidence of value creation and growth, such as revenue, contracts, or a growing user base. Investors want to see validation of your concept.

Finding Your Angel

To find the right angel investor, focus on those whose investment thesis aligns with your startup. Research potential investors’ preferences for industry, stage, location, and funding requirements. Platforms like Gust and AngelList can help you discover and connect with aligned investors.

Warm introductions are crucial. Leverage your network to find shared connections, such as portfolio companies or professional contacts, who can make introductions. A recommendation from a trusted source can open doors.

Crafting Your Pitch

When pitching to angels, your materials and online presence must be polished and compelling. Essential elements include:

  • A concise company description, logo, and business cards
  • A professional LinkedIn profile and website
  • A compelling elevator pitch, pitch deck, and demo

Your pitch deck should tell a story, highlighting your team, market opportunity, traction, and scalability. Practice your elevator pitch until it’s second nature, and ensure your demo showcases your product’s value.

Accelerating Your Success

For some startups, joining a top-tier accelerator like Y Combinator can provide mentorship, funding, and invaluable connections. Accelerators are not for everyone, but if you’re considering one, do your research and talk to alumni about their experiences.


Persistence and adaptability are key to navigating the challenging world of angel investing. Embrace the journey, learn from feedback, and keep refining your approach.

Learn More

Listen to this session in its entirety. Explore our full list of SXSW sessions covering startups and social impact.

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