From Spark to Sprints: Developing EdTech at Scale

Lessons from Experienced Entrepreneurs at SXSW EDU 2024

StartingUpGood Magazine
3 min readMar 8, 2024


In the rapidly evolving world of educational technology (edtech), creating products that drive meaningful change and positively impact learners’ lives is a challenge that requires a unique approach. This article shares insights from three seasoned edtech entrepreneurs — Megan Artin of Artwright Ventures, Sean Oakes of Backpack Interactive, and Adam Young of Atomic NYC — during a SXSW EDU panel discussion on developing innovative edtech products at scale.


Product Development Approach

  • The power of “spark”: Aligning teams around a clear, inspiring mission that guides product development and helps teams stay focused on what truly matters. For impact-driven entrepreneurs, this spark should be rooted in the desire to create positive change and address real user needs.
  • Iterative development: Creating roadmaps, prioritizing features, and adapting based on user feedback and research.
  • Balancing stakeholder needs: Engaging executives, investors, subject matter experts, content creators, and product teams to maintain focus on the product’s value and market impact.

Design and User Experience

  • User-centered design: By prioritizing the needs and experiences of learners, educators, and other end-users, entrepreneurs can develop solutions that address real pain points and drive meaningful outcomes.
  • Accessibility: Shifting accessibility considerations to the beginning of the process and presenting a clear case to stakeholders.
  • Leveraging technology: Thoughtfully incorporating existing resources and emerging technologies like AI to enhance the product and user experience.

Navigating Organizational Challenges

  • Startups vs. large organizations: Adapting to differences in existing resources, stakeholder dynamics, and development processes.
  • Protecting the “spark”: Identifying and mitigating potential threats to the product’s focus and mission.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Engaging teams across the organization, from engineering to marketing, to align efforts and ensure success.

Attracting Investment and Demonstrating Impact

  • Early adopter research: Leveraging early adopters to provide research, advocacy, and demonstrate the product’s potential for growth and impact.
  • Unique data collection: Collecting data that addresses unmet needs and provides valuable insights for users (e.g., teachers) to differentiate the product and attract investment.


The insights shared by these experienced edtech entrepreneurs provide a roadmap for impact-driven innovators looking to create products that make a difference in the lives of learners. By staying true to their “spark,” designing with empathy and inclusivity, navigating organizational challenges, and demonstrating real impact, entrepreneurs can build edtech solutions that not only succeed commercially but also drive positive change in the world of education.

Learn More

Listen to this session in its entirety. Explore our full list of SXSW EDU sessions covering AI, social entrepreneurship, and impact investing.

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