Impact Investing: Overviews & Primers

Where to start

StartingUpGood Magazine
2 min readDec 22, 2016


As more investors become interested in impact investing, more thought leaders and practitioners are developing introductory information to encourage participation.

Looking to learn more? Start with these resources:

  1. The Case Foundation’s A Short Guide to Impact Investing: A Primer on How Business Can Drive Social Change

The Case Foundation continues to be a leader and influencer in the growing field of impact investing. This relatively short (50 pages) primer, updated in October 2015, is meant for new players. Quotes introduce chapters, keeping the tone light, while providing a broad but not in-depth overview of many aspects of impact investing - from frameworks to asset classes to impact measurement.

2. Womble Whiteboard with Mark Newberg: The Impact Economy, Episode 1

For those who prefer a lecture-style resource, Mark Newberg’s seven minute whiteboard presentation discusses how public and private companies, entrepreneurs and investors can connect profit and purpose.

Additional episodes are available for those who want to learn more.

3. GSC’s Impact Investment: The Invisible Heart of Markets

For a more global perspective, check out this report issued by the Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group (GSG). The GSG was established in August 2015 as the successor to the G8-established Social Impact Investment Taskforce. A denser read, this report also issues recommendations for how leaders from finance, business and philanthropy, governments and network organisations can help galvanize the global impact investment movement.

4. World Economic Forum’s Impact Investing: A Primer for Family Offices

As the title suggests, this primer is written for high net worth individuals and their families. Because impact investing is a way for family offices to extend shared values throughout generations, this report also offers a step-by-step process for charting your investing course.



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