Reports Launched During Global Goals Week

Global Goals Week, which corresponds with the United Nation’s 72nd General Assembly, is not just an opportunity for stakeholders to network at numerous meetings and summits. Many groups are capitalizing on the attention being drawn to the the Sustainable Development Goals by publishing new reports.

StartingUpGood Magazine
5 min readSep 19, 2017


We plan to delve deeper into these reports during the coming weeks. In the meantime, you may want to check them out for yourself.

2017 United Nations Global Compact Progress Report: Business Solutions to Sustainable Development

“The report assesses progress in terms of how companies are taking action on the Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals, and features ten interviews with disruptive business leaders. It also highlights ten focus areas for the future where further business engagement is needed.”

Business Reporting on the SDGs: An Analysis of the Goals and Targets

“This report is a first step towards a uniform mechanism for business to report on their contribution to and impact on the SDGs in an effective and comparable way. It contains a list of existing and established disclosures that businesses can use to report, and identifies relevant gaps, where disclosures are not available. It also lists illustrative actions that businesses can take to make progress towards the SDG targets.” The report is a partnership of the UN Global Compact, GRI and PwC. According to the accompanying press release, the group will launch a sister document in January 2018 to provide businesses with a structured approach for driving action around specific goals and targets.

Investing For Impact: How Can We Collaborate to Unlock Investment to Deliver the SDGs in Challenging Places?

“The report asks the question: How can we collaborate to unlock investment to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals in challenging places? and is designed to serve as a basis for discussion for the spectrum of stakeholders involved in the investment space around the SDGs. For investors, it shares best practice from a range of investments, for investees it shows the types of things that attract financiers and for the wider community it demonstrates where support is needed to unlock investment to deliver the SDGs in more challenging places.”

Counting On The World

“This report from SDSN’s Thematic Research Network on Sustainable Development Data provides an independent view on how national systems should evolve in order to accommodate this change. It explains the kinds of data needed to achieve the SDGs and identifies the roles and responsibilities of different actors, as well as the urgent changes needed to build architectures capable of responding to the increasing demand for high-quality, disaggregated and geo-referenced data.”

Harnessing the Data Revolution to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

This joint report “by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency Research Institute (JICA-RI) examines how data innovations and the ‘data revolution’ can contribute to the full implementation of the SDGs. The report analyzes the challenges and opportunities that exist in the pursuit of the data revolution globally.”

The GOALKEEPERS Report: The Stories Behind the Data

“This report tracks 18 data points included in the SDGs that [the Gates Foundation] believes are fundamental to people’s health and well-being. To complement the data, [the report] also tells the stories behind the numbers — about the leaders, innovations, and policies that have made the difference in countries where progress has been most significant.”

Read more about the 18 SDG indicators being monitored in the most recent report from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Promise To Practice

“In May 2016, the UK Government hosted an International Anti-Corruption Summit in London where 42 governments and 5 international organisations made over 700 commitments. Since then, Transparency International UK has been working with our chapters and partners around the world to monitor the implementation of these commitments. The project tracks progress on over 450 commitments up until 31 July 2017.”

New Energizing Finance Report Series

Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and partners launched new research that, for the first time, tracks and analyzes finance flows for electricity and clean cooking access in 20 countries across Africa and Asia with significant access gaps. The new Energizing Finance report series reveals that current flow of finance for energy access and clean cooking will not achieve global goals for delivering universal access by 2030. Yet the data also shows that by scaling and refining finance strategies, we can reach more people, more affordably, with sustainable energy.”

A New Way of Doing Business: Partnering for Sustainable Development and Peace

“This report [produced by the SDG Fund, Concordia and the International Peace Institute] explores what is needed to make this new partnership a reality, including the steps that both the UN and the private sector need to take. It also seeks to understand how the private sector can contribute to achieving peace as both an enabler and an outcome of the 2030 Agenda. Finally, the report aims to address how to mitigate the risk companies face in investing in countries facing challenges in attracting private domestic and international investments.”

A Detailed Guide to Public Sector Funding for Social Entrepreneurs

This new report from Devex and the Skoll Foundation “benchmarks the funding streams of the public sector and provides practical insight and recommendations to advance the initiatives of social entrepreneurs. The report includes a detailed scorecard of 18 public sector institutions’ engagement and commitment to social enterprises, as well as discussion of the obstacles to seeking public sector funding. Following the scorecard are institution briefs that identify current trends, priority sectors, priority regions, key engagement channels, contact information, and the different types of support available to social enterprises. The final section of the report provides intelligence on seven multi-donor challenge funds that distribute thematic funding most relevant to social entrepreneurs.”



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