Two Great Resources for Getting Started with Social Impact

Not all innovation comes out of California. But these straightforward guides do. They are great resources for time and cash-strapped founders looking to incorporate social impact or purpose into the DNA of their startups.

StartingUpGood Magazine
1 min readDec 22, 2016


  1. Social Responsibility Guide for Startups: Starting with Purpose

Produced by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF), this guide teaches startups (which they define as “recently established businesses that are privately held and in a stage of growth”) how to harness the sense of purpose that drives them, their business and their workforce, and translate it into social good.

The guide highlights six social responsibility strategies and describes how to implement them in your startup. It also gives real-world examples of how startups have used these strategies to drive business growth and social impact.

2. SF Gives Playbook

Created in partnership with Tipping Point Community and Boston Consulting Group, the SF Gives Playbook looks at the many ways companies can support their communities. While specifically focused on San Francisco based companies and issues, the insights shared through the playbook translate to all startups interested in social impact.

Skip to page 12 for a quick summary of the business benefits of corporate community support. Then read on for how companies can combine cash, volunteering, donated products and services, and community engagement to build impactful programs. Possible activities are classified by “Getting Started”, “Dedicated Effort”, and “Best in Class” so that they are realistic for any company- regardless of its size or stage.



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