What to Read This Week- The UN’s High Level Political Forum & the GSG Impact Summit

Finance gets a focus at the UN’s main event for follow-up and review of the Global Goals.

StartingUpGood Magazine


Beginning Monday, both New York City and Chicago host two events that should hold the interest of impact investors from coast to coast. This week, we provide resources to follow along with the United Nation’s High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, and a quick view of the upcoming Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group (GSG) Impact Summit. Both events begin on Monday, July 10th.


The UN’s High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development begins on the 10th and goes through the 19th. Events cover the review and follow-up of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. Sessions during the forum range from ministerial formalities among Member States to sessions specifically dedicated to impact investing for the Global Goals. Here is when we will be tuning in:

  • The SDG Business Forum — takes place during the HLPF on Wednesday, July 18th. Sessions discuss the role and experiences of the private sector in achieving and the monitoring the SDGs, including a discussion on working with governments. The UN Global Compact has also created a Business Guide to the HLPF.

The GSG Impact Summit

Thankfully, there are few relevant HLPF sessions taking place on July 10th and 11th, leaving time to follow the GSG Impact Summit held in Chicago. The GSG, an outgrowth of the G8 task force on impact investing, established in 2013 under the UK’s leadership, seeks to bring together major foundation, national representatives, and other organizations to “ discuss the current state of the sector globally, and work together to identify priorities, key action areas and milestones to take impact investment to tipping point by 2020.”

We’ll be following along on Twitter using #GSGsummit.



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