Your Support System for Social Impact

There’s no need to go at it alone or recreate the wheel.

StartingUpGood Magazine
1 min readDec 22, 2016


These groups provide resources and support to founders who want to make social and environmental impact a priority in their startups.They can also introduce you to a network of like-minded business leaders to learn from and best practices to immolate.

  • Pledge 1% invites entrepreneurs to commit one percent of their product, equity, and time to supporting philanthropy
  • B Lab gives companies a certification after meeting specific social impact requirements, and higher standards of accountability and transparency. There are already thousands of other participating companies. You can start by taking the B Lab survey, which will help you think about how your startup should approach social impact and responsibility, and how you’d earn certification in the future as you grow.
  • Founders Pledge encourages entrepreneurs to donate 2% of their personal earnings to a social cause of their choice after an exit. Joining the list may benefit your company profile, and speaks to your overall philosophy about social impact and giving.
  • Social Venture Network offers opportunities for like-minded entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to come together, share ideas, and work with each other in supporting high social-impact ventures. To gain affiliate status as an emerging business leader, you need $500,000 — $2 million in annual revenue, and to gain membership, you need at least $2 million.



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