Navigating the Path to Superintelligence: Insights from Evolution and Neuroscience

Bhagwati Malav
Published in
10 min readMay 30, 2024

In the quest to understand and enhance human cognitive capabilities, the concepts of general intelligence and superintelligence stand at the forefront. These concepts not only push the boundaries of our understanding but also promise to reshape our future. This article will explore the definitions of general intelligence and superintelligence, and then delve into various current possible methods to achieve them, including artificial intelligence, whole brain emulation, biological cognition, brain-computer interfaces, and networks and organizations. We will also examine how insights from evolution and neuroscience can guide these endeavors.

General Intelligence vs. Superintelligence

General Intelligence is characterized by the ability to learn, reason, and apply knowledge across a wide range of contexts. It involves cognitive processes such as memory, problem-solving, abstract thinking, and understanding complex ideas. This form of intelligence allows humans to adapt to new situations, make decisions, and solve problems in diverse areas.

Superintelligence, on the other hand, refers to a level of intelligence that far exceeds the cognitive capabilities of the best human minds in virtually all fields, including creativity, problem-solving, and social interaction. Superintelligent entities would possess not only a profound depth of understanding and learning ability but also the capability to improve their own intelligence autonomously.

Pathways to Achieving General Intelligence and Superintelligence

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is the field of computer science dedicated to creating machines capable of performing tasks that require human-like intelligence. There are various stages and types of AI:

  • Narrow AI: Also known as weak AI, narrow AI is designed to perform specific tasks, such as language translation, facial recognition, or playing chess. These systems operate under limited parameters and do not possess general cognitive abilities.
  • General AI (AGI): General AI refers to systems that possess the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge in a manner comparable to human intelligence. AGI can theoretically perform any intellectual task that a human can do, making it a truly versatile form of AI.
  • Superintelligent AI: Superintelligent AI refers to an intelligence that surpasses human intelligence in every aspect. This includes not only problem-solving and understanding but also creative thinking, emotional intelligence, and the ability to improve itself over time

The development of AI involves creating algorithms and models that can learn from data, recognize patterns, and make decisions. Machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks are key technologies driving advances in AI, with significant progress being made in areas like natural language processing and autonomous systems.

2. Whole Brain Emulation (WBE)

Whole Brain Emulation, or mind uploading, is a theoretical approach that aims to recreate the entire structure and functionality of the human brain within a computational substrate.

Achieving WBE involves several critical steps, each presenting its own set of challenges:

2.1 Brain Scanning

The first step in WBE is to obtain a detailed scan of the brain’s structure. This requires advanced neuroimaging techniques capable of capturing the intricate details of neural connections (connectome) and the properties of individual neurons and synapses. Current technologies include:

  • Electron Microscopy: Provides high-resolution images of brain tissue, down to the level of individual synapses.
  • MRI and fMRI: Offer less detailed images but can capture larger-scale brain structures and activity patterns.

The challenge lies in achieving the necessary resolution to map every relevant detail of the brain’s structure without damaging the tissue.

2.2 Mapping and Reconstruction

Once the brain is scanned, the next step is to map the data into a comprehensive model of the brain’s neural network. This involves:

  • Data Processing: Converting raw imaging data into a usable format that represents the connectivity and properties of neurons and synapses.
  • Simulation Framework: Developing a computational framework that can accurately replicate the behavior of these neural networks.

The complexity of the human brain, with its approximately 86 billion neurons and trillions of synapses, makes this an immense computational and engineering challenge.

2.3 Simulation

The final step is to run the model within a computational substrate that can emulate the brain’s functions in real-time. This requires:

  • High-Performance Computing: The simulation of a human brain’s operations demands vast computational resources, potentially requiring exascale computing capabilities.
  • Neural Dynamics: The model must accurately simulate the dynamic properties of neural activity, including electrical signaling, synaptic transmission, and plasticity.

Ensuring that the simulation behaves identically to the original brain is crucial for achieving true emulation.

Achieving General and Superintelligence Through WBE

General Intelligence

WBE has the potential to achieve general intelligence (AGI) by replicating the full spectrum of human cognitive abilities in a digital form. An emulated brain would inherit the learning capacity, problem-solving skills, and adaptability of the original human mind. This digital replica could, in theory, be indistinguishable from a human in its intellectual capabilities and behavior.


The path to superintelligence through WBE involves several possible enhancements:

  1. Scaling and Optimization

A digital brain can be scaled and optimized beyond biological limits. By increasing computational resources or optimizing neural network algorithms, an emulated brain could achieve higher processing speeds and greater cognitive efficiency than its biological counterpart.

2. Integration with AI

Integrating WBE with advanced AI systems can augment its capabilities. AI can assist in areas where human cognition is limited, such as processing vast datasets or performing complex calculations instantaneously. This symbiosis can lead to a form of superintelligence that combines the best of both human and artificial cognition.

3. Iterative Self-Improvement

Unlike biological brains, which are constrained by evolutionary processes, an emulated brain can undergo iterative self-improvement. By continuously updating its algorithms and integrating new data, an emulated brain can progressively enhance its intelligence, potentially surpassing human cognitive limits.

4. Immortality and Continuity

WBE offers the possibility of digital immortality, where a person’s mind can continue to exist and evolve indefinitely. This continuity allows for cumulative knowledge and experience to build upon itself, leading to superintelligent entities that grow exponentially in wisdom and capability over time.

WBE faces numerous technical challenges, such as achieving the necessary resolution for scanning and developing the computational power required to simulate a human brain in real-time. Despite these hurdles, WBE represents a fascinating potential pathway to achieving both general intelligence and superintelligence by replicating and potentially enhancing the human mind.

3. Biological Cognition

Enhancing biological cognition involves improving the natural capabilities of the human brain through various means:

  • Genetic Engineering: By modifying genes associated with cognitive functions, it may be possible to enhance memory, learning speed, or intelligence. Techniques like CRISPR offer precise tools for editing genes, paving the way for cognitive enhancements.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Nootropics, or smart drugs, aim to enhance cognitive functions such as memory, creativity, and motivation. While some nootropics are already in use, ongoing research seeks to develop more effective and targeted drugs.
  • Neural Implants: Devices implanted in the brain can potentially enhance cognitive functions or restore lost capabilities. For instance, cochlear implants have already restored hearing to many individuals, and ongoing research aims to develop similar devices for other senses and cognitive functions.

Biological enhancements offer a direct way to boost human intelligence, but they also raise ethical and safety concerns. Ensuring that these enhancements are safe, effective, and equitably distributed is crucial.

4. Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are a revolutionary technology that establishes a direct communication link between the brain and external devices, enabling control and interaction in ways previously unimaginable. This technology holds significant promise for achieving general intelligence (AGI) and superintelligence by augmenting human cognitive capabilities, facilitating seamless integration with artificial intelligence (AI), and enabling new forms of learning and experience. This article will explore the concept of BCIs, their potential to achieve higher forms of intelligence, and the challenges and ethical considerations involved.

Understanding Brain-Computer Interfaces

BCIs are systems that measure and translate brain activity into commands that can control external devices, such as computers, prosthetics, or other electronic systems. The primary components of a BCI include:

  • Sensors: Devices that detect neural activity, often using techniques like electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), or more invasive methods like electrocorticography (ECoG) and implanted microelectrodes.
  • Signal Processing: Algorithms that interpret the neural signals, filtering out noise and identifying relevant patterns associated with specific thoughts or intentions.
  • Output Devices: External systems controlled by the processed neural signals, which can range from computer cursors and robotic arms to more advanced AI systems.

Achieving General Intelligence with BCIs

BCIs have the potential to facilitate the development and enhancement of general intelligence in several ways:

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Capabilities

By providing direct access to computational resources, BCIs can significantly enhance human cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. For example:

  • Memory Augmentation: BCIs could enable the storage and retrieval of information directly from external databases, effectively expanding human memory capacity.
  • Real-Time Information Access: Users could access the internet or other information sources instantly, enhancing decision-making and learning processes.

2. Seamless Human-AI Integration

BCIs can facilitate a symbiotic relationship between human intelligence and AI, allowing for seamless interaction and collaboration:

  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Humans can leverage AI’s computational power for complex tasks, while AI can benefit from human intuition and creativity.
  • Adaptive Learning: AI systems can provide personalized learning experiences based on real-time monitoring of a user’s cognitive state, optimizing educational outcomes.

3. Neuroplasticity and Adaptive Interfaces

BCIs can take advantage of the brain’s neuroplasticity — the ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This adaptability can lead to more intuitive and effective interfaces:

  • Training and Rehabilitation: BCIs can be used to train individuals to develop new cognitive skills or recover lost functions, such as in stroke rehabilitation.
  • Customized Interfaces: BCIs can adapt to an individual’s unique neural patterns, providing more personalized and efficient control.

Pathway to Superintelligence with BCIs

The journey towards superintelligence through BCIs involves several transformative possibilities:

  1. Cognitive Enhancement Beyond Biological Limits

By integrating BCIs with advanced AI, human cognitive capabilities can be enhanced far beyond natural biological limits:

  • Speed and Efficiency: BCIs can significantly increase the speed and efficiency of cognitive processes, enabling faster thought and decision-making.
  • Expanded Perception: BCIs can provide new sensory inputs (e.g., infrared vision or ultrasonic hearing), expanding the range of human perception.

2. Collective Intelligence and Networked Brains

BCIs can facilitate the creation of networked brains, where multiple individuals’ cognitive processes are linked, forming a collective intelligence:

  • Hive Minds: Groups of individuals connected via BCIs can share thoughts and information instantaneously, creating a hive mind with enhanced problem-solving capabilities.
  • Collaborative Creativity: Networked brains can collaborate on creative tasks, combining their unique perspectives and ideas in real time.

3. Iterative Self-Improvement

BCIs, in conjunction with AI, can enable iterative self-improvement of cognitive functions:

  • Feedback Loops: Continuous monitoring and feedback can optimize brain function, enhancing learning and adaptation.
  • Self-Enhancement: Individuals can consciously modify and improve their cognitive processes, potentially leading to a form of superintelligent self-modification.

Brain-Computer Interfaces represent a promising pathway towards achieving both general intelligence and superintelligence. By enhancing human cognitive capabilities, facilitating seamless integration with AI, and enabling new forms of collective intelligence, BCIs have the potential to transform our understanding and experience of intelligence. However, the journey towards realizing these possibilities must be navigated carefully, addressing the technical, ethical, and societal challenges that arise. As we move forward, BCIs hold the promise of unlocking unprecedented cognitive potential, reshaping the future of human and machine intelligence.

5. Networks and Organizations

Enhancing intelligence through collaborative networks and organizations leverages the collective knowledge and problem-solving abilities of groups. This approach includes:

  • Collective Intelligence: Utilizing the combined cognitive resources of groups to solve complex problems. The internet, social media, and collaborative platforms facilitate the sharing and synthesis of information.
  • Crowdsourcing: Tapping into the knowledge and skills of a large number of people to achieve tasks that would be difficult for individuals or small teams. Crowdsourcing platforms have been used for everything from scientific research to creative projects.
  • Organizational Structures: Designing organizations in ways that optimize the flow of information and decision-making processes can enhance the collective intelligence of the group.

By fostering collaboration and communication, networks and organizations can achieve levels of problem-solving and innovation that surpass individual capabilities.

The Role of Evolution and Neuroscience

Evolution provides a foundational understanding of how intelligence has developed over millions of years. By studying the evolutionary processes that have shaped human cognition, researchers can identify key adaptations and mechanisms that contribute to intelligence. For example:

  • Natural Selection: Understanding how natural selection has favored certain cognitive traits can inform the development of AI and other intelligence-enhancing technologies.
  • Comparative Cognition: Studying the cognitive abilities of other species can provide insights into the fundamental components of intelligence and how they might be replicated or enhanced.

Neuroscience offers a detailed view of the brain’s structure and function, providing critical insights into how intelligence arises from neural processes. Key areas of research include:

  • Neural Networks: The study of how neurons and synapses interact to process information has inspired the development of artificial neural networks, which are a cornerstone of modern AI.
  • Neuroplasticity: Understanding how the brain changes and adapts in response to experience can guide the development of adaptive AI systems and inform strategies for cognitive enhancement.
  • Brain Mapping: Techniques like fMRI and EEG provide detailed maps of brain activity, helping researchers understand the neural basis of cognition and identify potential targets for enhancement.

By integrating insights from evolution and neuroscience, researchers can develop more effective and ethically sound approaches to achieving general intelligence and superintelligence.


The pursuit of general intelligence and superintelligence is a complex and multifaceted endeavor, encompassing a range of technologies and approaches. From artificial intelligence and whole brain emulation to biological cognition, brain-computer interfaces, and collaborative networks, each pathway offers unique opportunities and challenges. Understanding the principles of evolution and neuroscience is essential in guiding these efforts, ensuring that we can harness the full potential of intelligence while addressing ethical and societal implications.

As we move forward, the journey towards superintelligence will not only redefine our capabilities but also reshape our understanding of what it means to be intelligent beings.

I love exploring neuroscience, artificial intelligence, software engineering, and evolution. I’ll keep sharing my insights, so please follow me if you find my articles interesting.

References :

  1. Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom
  2. Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark
  3. A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins

