An illustration of an active black hole, one that accretes matter and accelerates a portion of it outwards in two perpendicular jets. The normal matter undergoing an acceleration like this describes how quasars work extremely well. The matter that falls into a black hole, of any variety, will be responsible for additional growth in both mass and event horizon size for the black hole, whether it’s normal matter or dark matter. (MARK A. GARLICK)

Ask Ethan: Are Black Holes Made Of Dark Matter?

Black holes are the darkest objects of all. But are they made of dark matter?

Ethan Siegel
Starts With A Bang!
9 min readSep 11, 2020


When it comes to the Universe, few objects are more compelling, fascinating, or extreme than black holes. The unique result of an irresistible gravitational force, black holes are regions of space where so much mass is packed into such a small volume that nothing — not even the fastest forms of energy of all, like light — can escape from them. Because there’s a completely dark region of space where anything that crosses over it gets inevitably sucked in, and nothing from the inside can get out, we can never probe their inner structure to see what they’re made of. So, could they possibly be made of dark matter? That’s what Radhana Domala wants to know, asking on behalf of her child:

“My son is in 3rd grade, and he wants to know about dark matter and dark energy. His question is, ‘Are black holes made of dark matter?’ I am not sure how to help him.”

You came to the right place. Let’s not only find out, but let’s break it down in such a way that everyone can understand and enjoy the answer.



Ethan Siegel
Starts With A Bang!

The Universe is: Expanding, cooling, and dark. It starts with a bang! #Cosmology Science writer, astrophysicist, science communicator & NASA columnist.