Einstein, shown here at a Princeton luncheon in 1953, was not only a physics genius and global celebrity, but a kind and just man who was generous with his advice, time, and lessons for those who were willing to listen. (Credit: Ruth Orkin)

Einstein’s 7 rules for a better life

The most celebrated genius in human history didn’t just revolutionize physics, but taught many valuable lessons about living a better life.

Ethan Siegel
11 min readJan 23, 2024


When it comes to living your best life, Albert Einstein — notorious as the greatest physicist and genius of his time, and possibly of all-time — probably isn’t the first name you think of in terms of life advice. You most likely know of Einstein as a pioneer in revolutionizing how we perceive the Universe, having given us advances such as:

  • the constancy of the speed of light,
  • the fact that distances and times are not absolute, but relative for each and every observer,
  • his most famous equation, ,
  • the photoelectric effect,
  • the theory of gravity, General Relativity, that overthrew Newtonian gravity,
  • and Einstein-Rosen bridges, or as they’re better known, wormholes.

But Einstein was more than just a famous physicist: he was a pacifist, a political activist, an active anti-racist, and one of the most iconic and celebrated figures in all of history.

He was also known for his unconventional behavior in a variety of ways that flouted social norms, including…



Ethan Siegel

The Universe is: Expanding, cooling, and dark. It starts with a bang! #Cosmology Science writer, astrophysicist, science communicator & NASA columnist.