Image credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

NASA’s Cassini reveals the full glory of Saturn’s rings

They’re even more spectacular in the close-up detail it delivers.

Ethan Siegel
Starts With A Bang!
3 min readApr 18, 2016


“This then, I thought, as I looked round about me, is the representation of history. It requires a falsification of perspective. We, the survivors, see everything from above, see everything at once, and still we do not know how it was.” -W.G. Sebald

Saturn is remarkable in a number of ways; among all the planets we know of, it’s the least dense, and also the only one with a spectacularly visible set of rings.

Image credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

Composed of icy, dust-like material, these rings aren’t solid, but made up of particles that pass each other, sticking together briefly and torn apart by tidal forces.

Image credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

Snowballs and planetesimals coalesce, only to be torn apart by tidal forces exerted by Saturn and its passing moons.



Ethan Siegel
Starts With A Bang!

The Universe is: Expanding, cooling, and dark. It starts with a bang! #Cosmology Science writer, astrophysicist, science communicator & NASA columnist.