By creating two entangled photons from a pre-existing system and separating them by great distances, we can ‘teleport’ information about the state of one by measuring the state of the other, even from extraordinarily different locations. Interpretations of quantum physics that demand both locality and realism cannot account for a myriad of observations, but multiple interpretations all appear to be equally good. (MELISSA MEISTER, OF LASER PHOTONS THROUGH A BEAM SPLITTER)

Quantum Physics Is Fine, Human Bias About Reality Is The Real Problem

Forget Copenhagen, Many-Worlds, Pilot Waves and all the others. What you’re left with is reality.

Ethan Siegel
Starts With A Bang!
10 min readSep 18, 2019


When it comes to understanding the Universe, scientists have traditionally taken two approaches in tandem with one another. On the one hand, we perform experiments and make measurements and observations of what the results are; we obtain a suite of data. On the other hand, we construct theories and models to describe reality, where the predictions of those theories are only as good as the measurements and observations they match up with.

For centuries, theorists would tease novel predictions out of their models, ideas and frameworks, while experimentalists would probe uncharted waters, looking to validate or refute the leading theories of the day. With the advent of quantum physics, however, all of that began to change. Instead of specific answers, only probabilistic outcomes could be predicted. How we interpret this has been the subject of a debate that’s lasted nearly a century. But having this debate at all may be a fool’s errand; perhaps the very idea that we need an interpretation is itself the problem.



Ethan Siegel
Starts With A Bang!

The Universe is: Expanding, cooling, and dark. It starts with a bang! #Cosmology Science writer, astrophysicist, science communicator & NASA columnist.