The star forming region Sh 2–106 showcases an interesting set of phenomena, many of which point to fine-tunings of some sort. Image credit: NASA and ESA.

The Universe itself may be unnatural

Why does the Universe have the properties it has? There may be no natural reason at all.

Ethan Siegel
7 min readJul 12, 2017


“When you listen to a lecture, you should not have any idea of yourself. You should not have your own idea when you listen to someone. Forget what you have in your mind and just listen to what he says. To have nothing in your mind is naturalness. Then you will understand what he says. But if you have some idea to compare with what he says, you will not hear everything; your understanding will be one-sided; that is not naturalness.” -Shunryu Suzuki

When it comes to the physical Universe, we fully expect things obeying the same fundamental laws to unfold in similar fashions, and to be comparable to one another today. By the same token, if they obey vastly different rules, we expect them to be different from one another today. If aspects of the Universe that should be very different turn out to be similar, we call this a “coincidence problem.” If aspects that we expect should be similar turn out to be very different, we call that a “hierarchy problem.” In general, these fine-tuning problems are puzzles that either have a natural explanation for why these coincidences or hierarchies exist, or we have to face the most dissatisfying solution we could ask for: the Universe is simply unnatural.



Ethan Siegel

The Universe is: Expanding, cooling, and dark. It starts with a bang! #Cosmology Science writer, astrophysicist, science communicator & NASA columnist.