This 90 Year Old Math Problem Shows Why We Need Quantum Computers
To find the optimal route between many different locations, we need the power of quantum computers.
It’s time to run your errands, and you’ve got multiple stops to make. From your house, you have to hit the supermarket, the gas station, and the hardware store, all before returning home. Assuming you know that you begin and end at your home, there are six possible routes you can take, as you can either hit:
- first the supermarket, next the gas station, and then the hardware store,
- first the supermarket, next the hardware store, and then the gas station,
- first the gas station, next the supermarket, and then the hardware store,
- first the gas station, next the hardware store, and then the supermarket,
- first the hardware store, next the supermarket, and then the gas station, or
- first the hardware store, next the gas station, and then the supermarket.
But which one of these routes will be the most efficient path? This is known, in the field of mathematics, as the travelling salesman problem. To solve it for more than a handful of “stops,” it will almost certainly require a quantum computer. Here’s…