4 Big Lessons I’ve Learned From Recording 50 Episodes for My Podcast

Let’s reflect on my journey as a podcast creator

Ucha Vekua
Startup Adventures International
5 min readMar 25, 2024


Let’s be honest — you don’t need too much effort to start your own podcast in this day and age.

I mean, there are tons of online tools that can help you easily set up your home-studio for recording, edit your episodes, and distribute them to many different platforms for promotion.

But here’s the twist — why do we have so many podcasts that don’t last more than 7–8 episodes?

Probably having some veery interesting conversation here

Isn’t the whole point of these tools to keep up the consistency and see the actual results from our work over time?

Well, I just hit the 50th episode of my podcast this week, and I have to say, this has been the most interesting and exciting project I have ever worked on in my life.

I feel like talking to so many fascinating people from the startup industry and asking them about their insights took my career on another level.

But anyways, in this article I wanted to tell you a bit about my experience and share some of the learnings I’ve got from recording a 50 episodes of the Startup Blender Podcast.

Let’s get to it!

Consistency Beats Everything

Of course, the most important aspect of the success for building any project comes down to one simple word: “Consistency.” Easy, right?

Well, at least that’s what I believe — consistency can be the single most decisive factor when it comes to scaling your project and building authority.

Being consistent with my work

I mean, yes, different aspects like quality, promotion, community, branding, and others can be extremely important, but I believe that all of these eventually come if you are consistent with your process.

And, as I see, many creators get this thing wrong — consistency doesn’t necessarily mean that you should put out content every single day.

It means that you should choose the pace the works the best for you and stick with the plan for a long time.

Even if you take it slow and publish your piece of content once a month — it still counts, and it still can get you results over time.

Always remember that consistency builds trust, which is exactly what helps you sell your products and services.

Keep Your Production Simple & Low-Friction

This ties back to our previous point.

If you want to be consistent, you should create your process and stick with it for a long period of time.

The most important piece of a puzzle here is “creating the process,” which should fit your everyday schedule and lifestyle.

There are countless examples where creators start their projects all thrilled and excited in the beginning, but then they can’t keep up with the demands they have set for themselves over longer periods of time.

I always take simple selfies

The harsh reality is here is that they mostly quit, not because they are not excited about their ideas anymore, but the process they have set requires so much energy that it doesn’t worth it for them.

However, if you keep your process simple, then you are more likely to be consistent, produce better quality content, and improve your skills over time. Period.

Don’t Overcomplicate Things for No Reason

Another important lesson I’ve learned on my creator journey is to not overcomplicate the processes when there is no reason for that.

Because over complication increases the friction, and that requires lots of energy, resulting in getting bored of the projects we are building.

Don’t tell this to anyone, but I don’t even use a fancy microphone for my podcast — I don’t want to waste time and energy in setting it up. Apple AirPod Pros are doing the job just fine.

Interviewing Woola founders

Staying creative and eliminating friction is vital to start executing all the projects you have in your mind.

It’s simple — if you overcomplicate the whole process, it will be very easy to not continue with your projects and not achieve results you always wanted to achieve.

Makes sense, right?

So, my advice would be to keep it simple if you want to get far with your creative projects.

Trust the Process and Play the Long Game

And finally, this is the lesson that most creators don’t even get to learn… because they quit too early (haha, I’m so funny).

I mean, really, when you are creating something, you have to think about the longer vision of your initiative.

If your idea doesn’t work in one of two months after starting a project, it’s totally okay. Just keep making a few tweaks and changes over time, and I can guarantee you, something will work out. At least.

Enjoying my journey

“Enjoy the journey, not the destination” — have fun while working on your projects and try to learn as much as possible along the way.

That’s pretty much it. This is the approach that took me to places that I could never imagine going, and this was the whole idea of starting my Startup Adventures. Awesome, right?!

PS. Don’t forget to check out my podcast (and give me 5 stars hehe).

To Sum Up

Finally, I’d like to say that I’ve had an amazing journey as a podcast host for the past four years now.

Throughout this 50 episodes of my podcast, I got to interview many amazing people, make valuable connections, and learn tons of things that no university could teach me.

If you’d like to be guest on my podcast and share your story, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn. Let’s connect!

Episode for this article. Enjoy:)



Ucha Vekua
Startup Adventures International

A Creative Mind — Sharing my experiences and Startup Adventures 🚀