What Are the Benefits of Attending International Tech Conferences?

Let me share some of my experience

Ucha Vekua
Startup Adventures International


Why should any startup founder, online creator, or tech enthusiast take the time to attend international conferences in their field?

Isn’t their schedule hectic enough already?

Well, that’s true on some level, but at the same time, I think there is a massive value in going to different tech events and connecting with like-minded individuals there.

Having a blast at the stage of Latitude59

At least for me, actively attending various tech conferences has been beneficial in terms of improving my skills, gaining valuable knowledge, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends.

So, today I’d like to tell you what I think are the main benefits of attending international tech conferences and what it could mean for your growth.

Networking & Making New Connections

This is probably the biggest benefit that comes with attending various international tech conferences.

Tech events are generally designed for you, as an attendee, to build business relationships and grow your network. Think of it as an opportunity to meet potential clients, partners, or investors.



Ucha Vekua
Startup Adventures International

A Creative Mind — Sharing my experiences and Startup Adventures 🚀