Chapter 1: The Name

Or how we hit our first huge wall of frustration

Gullivers Lab
Startup Adventures


A few weeks ago, here at Gullivers Lab, we set out for our greatest adventure ever. We started of with great speed. We analyzed the process behind making a decision about where to go next. What elements are relevant in that decision. What is the context of this decision? What use-cases are applicable here? The result is a visualized process which will be growing over time. It appears that many elements have serious impact on your decision. Think about the configuration of your group or the mood of the moment. So far so good. Time to take the next step. And there we hit the wall…

We need a name!!! We know what we are going to make. But we need a name! A name which is teasing, which breaths adventure, which communicates unexplored paths and untamed cultures. We had a few names we liked, but all have their downsides. So we started searching. And there we got stuck. We hit the wall so hard, it still hurts. Thinking of a name is hard work. There are certain rules about it which make it hard to come up with something decent. As soon as you say it out loud you immediately feel if it fits or not. And if it doesn’t pop in your mind quickly, chances are that you’ll spend an awful lot of time thinking in circles until you go absolutely mental.

Beenbase, Beat the Track, Goglobo, Captain Cook Book…

So we came up with some ideas. Beenbase, Beat the Track, Goglobo, Captain Cook book. “What do you think about this name?” we asked people around us. Everybody has to say something about it. They love it, they hate it, they don’t understand it. And it is all valuable feedback, but not always easy to process. And there it doesn’t end. Once you come up with something cool, you get to the point that you need to claim the domain. This wall is even worse. It’s called the horror of .com domain names. every 5 to 10 character word in the universe has been claimed. And every non existing word either.

So there we are, doing overtime on a rainy sunday afternoon to find the perfect name. Any suggestions?

