Startup Berlin Group Bulletin Aug/19
Startup Berlin Bulletin
5 min readAug 19, 2019

Welcome to edition 44 of our Startup 🐻 📰 Berlin Bulletin.
The fundraising summer in Berlin seems to keep going strong. This week CoachHub announced a new €6m finding to be the digital coaching provider that offers holistic people development to companies. With that said, lets see what our members are doing this month. Check the news, jobs & events from our members bellow.

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Updates from members…


@Yannic Gräser / Hello everyone, I recently finished my bachelor thesis. I would like to hear what you think 🙂

@Gaurav Sorted AI / Artificial Intelligence : Future of Managing your Documents — Sorted AI Blog — Articles on Financial Planning and Productivity

@idmtr / Found this on LinkedIn. really interesting WeChat based business model.


@enricofoschi / Did you ever wish you could share the experience of reading a book, chapter after chapter, with other people? Reading opens our minds. Sharing the experience, empowers us even more. This week, I launched Lybrum, an online platform where users can create and join private or public book club. This is a side project of mine: I would love your feedback :)!

@monicarayscott / One free hour of design feedback! Product:Hour is an initiative by Goodpatch for start-ups, enterprises and NGOs who need structured, actionable feedback on their digital product or service. Come in to our studio in Berlin for an hour of coffee, conversation and consultation:

@Christian Bick / I’m excited to announce the release of my second Slack app: UplinkUplink enables direct messaging across workspaces as if everyone was on the same Slack. All it takes to start a conversation, is to install Uplink on a Slack workspace and to provide a contact’s email address.

New Directory Submissions:

athlead Platform for soccer teams to discover, analyze and ultimately hire players.

Eigensonne — Der einfachste Weg zu Ihrem eigenen Solarstrom Einfach und bequem Wir erledigen (fast) alles für Sie — von Beratung über Planung und Ausführung bis zur Unterstützung bei der lästigen Bürokratie. Wir sind auf Ihrer Seite! Präzise & schnell In Sekundenschnelle erhalten Sie ihr erstes Renditeergebnis und innerhalb kürzester Zeit ein auf Sie zugeschnittenes Angebot für Ihr Solarstrom-System. Top Qualität zu fairen Preisen Wir möchten so viele Menschen wie möglich mit Solarstrom versorgen. Dafür garantieren wir verlässliche Festpreise bei höchster Qualität. 5 Jahre Rundum-sorglos-Garantie Für den Fall eines Schadens an Ihrem Solarstrom-System garantieren wir Ihnen eine komplette Service- und Kostenübernahme für 5 Jahre. Kompetente Beratung — telefonisch Ihre Zeit ist kostbar — wir beraten Sie in dem von Ihnen gewünschten Umfang. Solarberater, die stundenlang auf Ihrer Couch sitzen und Kaffee trinken? Nicht mit uns! Bezahlung nach Installation Kundenservice und Vertrauen stehen bei uns an erster Stelle. Deshalb bezahlen Sie Ihr Solarstrom-System auch erst nach erfolgreicher Installation per Rechnung.

Discover or Add a Berlin startup on the directory:


Section supported by Coworkies.comCurrently: 41Jobs in coworking spaces in Berlin

The Bulletin is supported by Coworkies Jobs.
Use: StartupBerlin10 for €10 off your first job ad on the platform.

🐻 If you add ➡️ #startupberlinjobs to your job message it will be automatically added to the Twitter account and retweeted by @StartupSlack account.

@Sonia / is a selective recruitment platform, a marketplace where tech-freelancers and permanent employees can find interesting opportunities, put live by employee and freelancer seeking companies. Does your start-up need a tech-expert? We have highly skilled ones!

@Ashish / You want to build the energy systems of the future and bring the energy transition to the household users? rvolt is looking for a UX designer to drive user concepts and designs to create an inspiring product. Come join us!

@Miranda / Hi all! I’m a Berlin based UX designer at Wayfair and our company is expanding big time! We’re looking to fill all kinds of roles and can offer sponsorship. Check out the roles available to see if anything spikes your interested ✨ Cheers!

@Judith NT/ We’re looking for a Finance Assistant at Classical Music Streaming service IDAGIO. Part time, 20h/week, German necessary.

Join us in our mission to build the best streaming service for classical music as our new Customer Success Manager at IDAGIO.

@Monica Tartau / Hey everyone! The team at Lightcurve GmbH is looking for a Frontend Developer, Motion Designer, Technical Writer, Research Scientist, UI/UX Designer, Backend Developer, Senior Backend Developer, QA Engineer and Security Specialist.Apply here:

@Stefan Marx / Hey guys we’re looking for a kickass Unity Dev to revolutionize city tours with Augmented Aeality! 🕶 💃 🏙

Discover/Add a Berlin startups on the directory:


TODAY! @silvan / Berlin Blockchain Week is happening from 18–25 August! Find all events in the calendar on

@Sowmya / Hello, Do join our meetup where we talk and discuss about decision making models and network in a chilled atmosphere in Mitte.

@Marcel Lehmann / Enigma will come to Berlin next week! 19. August with food and drinks. Hope to see you there.

@Darya Skibbe / Hello dear friends and tech-interested,it’s time again, the clock is ticking and in only 8 days on Tuesday the 20th of august our next MeetUp on Agility 3.0 will take place.We have once again organised a super versed speaker. As the glazing of the cake we will provide enough beer and tasty food. :wink:What will be revealed to us this time?While at the last MeetUp we were given a perspective for an effective DevOps mindset, this time we get an insight into an efficient agile mindset. Because agility is not a process but a company characteristic! Those who not only internalize this, but also live it, will feel it in their daily productivity.So come by if you want to get yourself, your team or colleagues to more results in less time.

Link zum Meetup:

@Yulia Byron / Dear Berlin’s startup community, join us for the 3rd edition of the workshop festival — ToolFest ( Our workshop festival is happening in Berlin on September 6–7th and it is a great chance for you to exchange experiences with other builders and doers 💪 🎉 Check out the full program — and our speakers —!

You can Login/SignUp to the Startup Berlin Group by going to:

Let us know if you need help with anything:

Please Clap 👏👏👏 few times so more people can see this bulletin it! Danke!

Made by yours truly @idmtr and you can buy me a ☕️ Coffee


Startup Berlin Bulletin

Free chat group, cross-connecting people in the Berlin startup ecosystem.