Choices founders face, leveling up engineers, and new kinds of products — A preview of our Technology Track

Jay Neely
Startup Boston
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2017


This is the first preview of the six tracks we’re filling with workshops, panels, and other sessions at Boston Startup Week, September 18th-22nd. To see the full schedule, sign up for our newsletter so we can let you know when it’s announced.

You can’t have a startup conference without talking about technology. It’s the fundamental enabler that at the very least allows companies to rapidly scale, and often is the core innovation that allows a small, resource-limited business to compete in a market filled with established, cash-heavy incumbents.

Our technology track will have sessions for:

  • engineers facing choices about what to invest their time in, how to navigate their options, and how best-in-class engineering teams at today’s startups are getting it done.
  • founders making choices about how to spend their limited resources, and exploring the new business opportunities today’s tech makes available
  • investors & observers who want to understand what’s changing in technology (be sure to check out our Hot Industries track as well) or the drivers of success in startup tech teams

As an example, one session we’re happy to announce is:

“The Role of Data in Tech Companies Today.”

As a panel discussion, we’ll be asking investors & CEOs to talk about the ways their companies have been able to use data to build new products (sometimes as the product), enhance marketing, and maintain a competitive advantage in their process or offering. New machine learning technologies, better visualization tools, and the rise of data science as a role are just some of the factors creating new options for companies today.

Boston is home to some of the greatest technical talent in the world.

Come learn from experienced technical leaders, hear what trends investors are seeing in industry & company-changing tech, and make new connections with your peers.

Sign up for our newsletter so we can let you know when all the sessions are announced, and help us spread the word on twitter! We’ll see you in September!

