StartUp = Ideas x Products x Teams x Execution x Luck

Why bother starting a StartUp?!

Sam Altman from YC kicked off a video lecture series at Stanford today …under the #CS183B titled “How to Start a Startup?”.

This is a 10 week series, with 20 video lectures, each running for about an hour, meeting twice a week Tue/Thur in USA.

Globally ~20,000 curious students, entrepreneurs, founders with various backgrounds, origins, languages, etc. are following this series with a hope to learn something new and an intention to create their next startup &/or take their existing startup to the next level.

And it is interesting to see how the current technology platforms (such as YouTube, FB, Dropbox, Google, etc.) has enabled us to broadcast for free, self organize in our respective countries and screen the lecture for our local audience.

Should you have a curious mind…


And the first lecture is out and here some links to it…

Lecture 1: Welcome, and Ideas, Products, Teams and Execution Part I

Pre Read 1 :

Pre Read 2 :

Video Lecture :

Sam’s Deck :

Dustin’s Deck :

Cheers, PK

