Young entrepreneur writes a How to Start -Up Digitally, and coins new term “Social Patience”

Startup Dope
Startup Dope Magazine
3 min readMay 26, 2015


Home People Young entrepreneur writes a How to Start -Up Digitally, and coins new…

Johnnie Resendez, twenty-nine year old founder of Happy Planners LLC can now add author to her title. Her book Starving Student Start-Up: Hungry Minds — The Virtual Entrepreneur is a workbook, on how to start your online business and create a lasting online presence. Exploring the importance of an interesting theory Resendez calls “Social Patience” — in which a person holds off on releasing information through social media outlets until a goal is reached, to strategically leverage social activity, is a great insight of advice.

We asked Johnnie about what inspired her title of the book and what is a Starving Student Start Up- (SSSU)? She explained “A SSSU are students of the web starving to create our own businesses from our inner passions. Before, the saying “Starving Student” meant struggling college student trying to pay for school. Now, we are students of the web starving to create our own businesses from our inner passions. Once, I saw large moving trucks on the freeway, with a sign that read: Starving Student Movers. I thought it was the best advertisement. What a great alternative to help college students make extra money. If I were to move, I would use Starving Student Movers versus a large company. Today, college students, and those learning from the web,are starting online businesses.” Popular crowd sourcing sites like Upwork that allow for a quick link to a bank account and with a few clicks they are off selling their digital services were a source of inspiration for Resendez “ A digital footprint is huge in today’s connected culture and there are many new young Entrepreneurs that are making a great living doing what they love working as their own boss.”

Whats next for Johnnie? She did let us know that she is currently working on a follow-up book to her series The SSSU, about the mobile app development process. We are excited for her journey and passion with technology marketing.


Happy Planners —

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Originally published at by Siddharth Jeevagan on May 26, 2015.



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