Be Delusional.

You read that right. 

Startup Dreams
Startup Dreams


The funny thing is that depending on how big the dream is, you do have to be a bit delusional. Delusional people see the world differently and to change the world you have to think different. You have to believe in yourself and the idea so much that your belief turns into passion and that passion become so infectious that it spreads from person to person and group to group and eventually everyone.

Make sure that you on your path to changing the world you cover all your bases. Believe in yourself, your idea and your potential for change. Make sure that you’re minimizing your downside while maximizing your upside.

Go be and be delusional, but make sure you surround yourself with people who can provide you with resources, guidance and support. You might not always agree with what they say but they aren’t there to be your yes man, they should be there to serve as your accountability, a check-up and balance. There might be situations where you need to part ways and add different mentors or advisers but it’s usually a good idea to have a variety of opinions.

Some of the greatest people who have added immense value to society could have been considered delusional in their time; Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla and the list goes on. So go ahead and be delusional but make sure you exercise a dash of caution.

